Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Statistical Assistant Grade II/ Statistical Investigator Grade II - Statistical Assistant Grade II/ Statistical Investigator Grade II
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Statistical Assistant Grade II/ Statistical Investigator Grade II - Statistical Assistant Grade II/ Statistical Investigator Grade II ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '065/2022'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 5 out of 16
Excerpt of Question Code: 065/2022










Who is the Chairman of 15५ Finance Commission ?

(A) Y.V. Reddy
(൭ N.K. Singh

(8) ‏عبت‎ Patel
‏رم0‎ C. Rangarajan

The number of subgroups of a cyclic group of order 100

(A) 40
(൭ 10

The ged of 1819 and 3587 is
(A) 13
(C) 17

(B) 9
(D) 15

(B) 9
(>) 6

The linear congruence 15x = 4 (mod 8) has (upto modulo 8)

(^) a unique solution
(C) 10 solution

(8) _ infinite solutions
(D) cannot be determined

In ಠೃ, if (1) denotes the identity permutation and ठ = (12) (13) (14), then which of the

following is true ?
(A) உழு
(0 61)

(8) ०4 = (1)
9) ൭50)

Let T : ೫3 ‏تم‎ be a linear transformation defined by T(x, ೫, 2) = (ऋ + 9, x - 9, x). The

rank of T is
(A) 2
(6 1

The value of the determinant

| 1 0 -1 1

-1 1 0 -1

1 0 -1 1

L-l -1 1 0
(A) 1
(0) 2

Which of the following is true for the matrix ?
| 4 0 -1

0 7 2

00 3

(A) diagonalizable

(C) symmetric

®) 3
(D) 6

(8) -1

rank is 2
not invertible


The system of equations x + 2y—z=4, 2x —z=1 and x—2y =—3 has

(^) a unique solution
(C) infinitely many solutions

(B) 110 solution

(D) None of the above


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Statistical Assistant Grade II/ Statistical Investigator Grade II - Statistical Assistant Grade II/ Statistical Investigator Grade II : Video