Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Common Preliminary Examination 2022 (Graduate Level)- Stage I
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name ' Common Preliminary Examination 2022 (Graduate Level)- Stage I ' And exam conducted in the year 2022-K. And Question paper code was '101/2022-K'. Medium of question paper was in Kannada and English (containing Kannada questions) . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 13 out of 20
Excerpt of Question Code: 101/2022-K

101/22 - 6





A memorial trust donates Rs.10,00,000 to a school, the interest on which is to be
used for awarding 3 scholarships to students obtaining first three positions in the
school examination every year. If the donation eams an interest of 12 percent per annum
and the values of the second and third scholarships are Rs. 40,000 and Rs. 25,000
respectively, find out the value of the first scholarship.

A) Rs. 55,000 8) 85. 60,000 C) Rs. 50,000 0) Rs. 65,000

. Ina city, 80% of residents have a scar on one eye, 80% on an ear, 75% on an arm,

85% on 8 leg and x% have a scar on all the four limbs. The minimum value of x is
A) 10 B) 15 C) 20 D) None of these

. Ahousing society consisting of 2,750 People needs 100 L of water per person per day.

‘The cylindrical supply tank is 7 m high and has a diameter 10 m. For how many days will
the water in the tank last for the society ?
A) 4 days B) 3 days C) 2 days D) 1 day

A thiet is running away on a straight road with a speed of 8 ms~'. A policeman chases
him in 2 jeep moving at a speed of 10 ms”. If the instantaneous separation of the
1960 from the motorcycle is 50 ಗಾ, how long wilt take for the policeman to catch the
thief ? ∎

A) 256 B) 20s 0) 508 2) 30s

A tea merchant blends two varieties of tea in the ratio 015 : 4. The cost of first

is As. 200 per kg and that of second variety is Rs. 300 per kg. She sells the blended
tea at the rate of 05.250 per kg. Find out the percentage of her profit or loss,

A) 2.27% loss 8) 2.27% profit 0) 5.14% loss D) 5.14% profit

. The length and breadth of the floor of a room are 7.5 m and 2 m, respectively. Forty

tiles, each with area ரன்‌ used to cover the floor partially. Find the ratio of the

tiled and the non-tiled Portion of the floor.
A) 10:1 B) 1:10 ©) 5:1 D) 1:5

` The average marks of boys in a class is 62 and that of girls is 52. The average marks

of 00/5 and girls combined is 60, The Percentage of boys marks in the class is
A) 80 B) 50 0) 60 D) 40
3 women and 6 men can together finish an embroidery work in 5 days, while 4 women
and 7 men can finish it in 4 days. The number of days taken by 1 woman alone to
finish the work and also that taken by 1 man alone are respectively
A) 20 and 40 B) 40 and 20 C) 60 and 30 0) 30 and 60
In the sequence given below, the number after 3415
3, 4, 7, 7, 13,13, 21, 22, 31, 34, 7
A) 38 B) 40 ©) 43 D) 45

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