Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Librarian Gr IV - Kerala Municipal Common Service, Kerala Common Pool Library
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Librarian Gr IV - Kerala Municipal Common Service, Kerala Common Pool Library' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '063/2023'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 10 out of 16
Excerpt of Question Code: 063/2023










The evaluation, selection and maintenance of a collection of suited to
the information needs of the library’s users, activities that are generally referred to as
collection development.

A) Bibliographical sources B) Information sources
C) Reference sources D) Geographical sources
The librarian should use recommended interview techniques to clarify and analyse
the question, in order to identify exactly what is needed.
A) Questions B) Knowledge C) Data D) Information
A strong answers a wide range of questions and provides rapid
turnaround, as needed.
A) Information service B) Virtual reference service
C) Reference service D) Social service
The technique which use to recommended are clarify and analyze the
question, in order to identify exactly what information is needed.
A) Interview techniques B) Questionnaire technique
C) Observation technique D) Group discussion technique

take a variety of forms, from the simple provision of an address or
telephone, to tracking down an elusive bibliographic citation, to the identification and
delivery of documents about a specific topic.
A) Electronic reference services B) Information services
C) Extension services D) Reference services
A more formal or organized version of this kind of continuing contact between the
reference librarian and the user is a customized reference service
offered most frequently to researchers by academic or special libraries.
A) Referral service B) Bibliographic control

C) Selective dissemination of information D) Current awareness service

this type of translation is the selective translation of the articles
published in current literature.
A) Adhoc translation B) Cover to cover translation
C) Language translation D) Single translation
The word ‘Index’ is derived from which means to indicate i.e., an index
is guide to items contained in a collection.
A) Indico B) Indicom C) Indicare D) None of the above

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Librarian Gr IV - Kerala Municipal Common Service, Kerala Common Pool Library : Video