Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Accounts Assistant - Kerala State Poultry Corporation Ltd' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '108/2023'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Providing the truth about the correctness and authenticity of assets and liabilities
stated in the balance sheet is called
A) Vouching B) Verification C) Valuation D) Comparison
The company auditor must be a chartered accountant within the meaning of the
A) Certified Authority of India B) Chartered Accountants Association
C) Chartered Accountant Act, 1969 D) Chartered Accountant Act, 1949
The first auditors of a newly started company are appointed by whom ?
A) Statutory Association B) Accounting Association
C) Board of Directors D) Financial Creditors of the Company
Critical examination of books of accounts
A) Auditing B) Investigation
C) Routine checking D) Book keeping
Which of the following is known as the backbone of the computer system ?
A) CPU B) Motherboard 00 ۸ D) 10 Slots
Which of the following is used to provide support and control for the main memory ?
A) PCl B) South bridge C) North bridge D) IDE
How many pins does DDR4 RAM modules have ?
A) 288 B) 260 C) 184 D) 168
A program loaded into memory and executing is called a
A) Process B) Thread C) Job D) Function
375g + 110115 = 16
A) FF9 B) 280 C) 192 D) 118
What is the use of Gutter in MS-Word ?
A) Margin that is added to the left margin
B) Margin that is added to the top margin
C) Margin that is added to the binding side of the page
D) Margin that is added to the outside of the page
What is the hanging indent in MS-Word ?
A) Begins a paragraph’s first line of text at this marker
B) Begins a paragraph’s second and subsequent lines of text at this marker at the
left end of the ruler
C) Wraps the text when it reaches this marker at the right end of the ruler
D) Indents the text to this marker