Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'OTHER RESEARCH ASSISTANT ZOOLOGY FISHERIES' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '047/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
A major epidemic occurring in marine fish is :
(^) Aggregated Transformed Microvilli 18) 100 618೧880
(ര സല Nervous Necrosis (1) Dropsy
From Mumbai to Ratnagiri coast, one of the most common fishing crafts 15 08:
(A) Masula boat type (B) Dinghi type
(C) Satpati type (D) Catamarans
For pelagie, scattered fish shoals, one of the most suitable gear types is :
(A) Trawl net (B) Trap
(C) Long lines (D) Purse-seine
Which one among the following is not a pelagic fish? |
(A) Sardinella longiceps (18) Rastrelliger brachysoma
(C) Paralichthys olivaceus (D) Thunnus thynnus
Glochidium is an important larval stage of :
(A) Shrimps 18) Molluscs
(C) Crabs (D) Sea cucumbers
The major fishery of Parapenaeopsis stylifera in India occurs along :
(മ) Kolachel Coast ` (B) Kollam Coast
(0) Karwar Coast (D) Malabar Coast
‘Which of the following is not among the Ramsar sites in India?
(ಯ) Periyar Lake (B) Ashtamudi Lake
(C) Sasthamkotta Lake (D) Waular Lake
The latest FAO ranking of India among the world’s top marine capture fish producers is :
(A) 1௯ (B) Three
(C) Five (D) Seven
The highest capture fisheries contributing region of the world lies in :
(ಯ) Northwest and Western Central Pacific
(B) Northeast Pacific
(C) Southeast Pacific
(D) Indian Ocean
11 047/2016