Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Assistant Professor Physiology and Biochemistry
Question Code :


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name ' Assistant Professor Physiology and Biochemistry' And exam conducted in the year 2023. And Question paper code was '052/2023/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was ''. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 12 out of 25
Excerpt of Question Code: 052/2023/OL

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question53:-Which of the following statement is/are true about low pressure
baroreceptors in atria ?

i. They are bare ends of myelinated nerve fibers.

ii. They are mechanoreceptors that regulate effective circulating volume and
cardiac output.'

iii. Afferent fibers of atrial receptors project to medulla and hypothalamus.

iv. Increased stretch of atrial B-type receptors like high pressure receptors decrease
heart rate.

A:-i, ii and iii only

B:-i, ii and iv only

D:-All the above i, ii, iii and iv
Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question54:-Which of the following statement is/are true about vasovagal syncope
i. Massive vasodilation occurs but resulting fall in blood pressure is not corrected by
baroreceptor response.
ii. There will be profound fall in Mean Arterial Blood Pressure.
iii. Loss of consciousness is due to transient fall in perfusion pressure to brain.
iv. The plasma Arginine Vasopression level is found to be decreased in vasovagal

A:-Only i, ii and iii

B:-Only i and ii

C:-Only i, iii and iv

D:-All the above i, ii, iii and iv

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question55:-Which of the following statement is/are true regarding coronary
circulation ?

i. Receives 15% of cardiac output from left heart and mostly returns it to right

ii. Changes in heart rate will not affect coronary blood flow.

iii. There is nearly linear correspondence between myocardial oxygen consumption
and myocardial blood flow.

iv. Heart relies primarily on metabolic mechanisms to increase caliber of coronary

A:-All the above i, ii, iii, iv
B:-Only iii and iv
C:-Only ii and iii
D:-Only i, iii and iv
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question56:-Which of the following statement is/are true about non respiratory

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Assistant Professor Physiology and Biochemistry : Video