Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANT GR II VARIOUS/ STENOGRAPHER KERALA STATE DRUGS AND PHARMACEUTICALS LTD' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '093/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
093/2016 0.
Maximum : 100 marks
Time for Dictation : 5 minutes
Time for transcription : 1 hour
Instructions :
The given matter should be dictated at the rate of 80 words per minute to the
candidates loudly and distinctly and only once.
Speed should be regulated at every quarter of a minute.
Before commencement at the dictation, the candidate should be asked to take down the
matter in shorthand and transcribe into longhand in ink
In the first place you are studying for some purpose. Perhaps it is solely to pass an
examination or a / series of examinations. You may be a student in an institution or
may be working on your own. If you // are attending to edueational institution or taking
a correspandence course, you are being helped by teachers. It is important in /// the first
place for a student to understand what a teacher can do for him. The teacher cannot get
vou (1) through your examination if you do not do any work for yourself. You have to
attend to him whether he / is talking to you by lecturing or giving private tuition.
Therefore, the first thing you have 10 do is to // take note carefully of everything that he
asays. It is impossible to stop a teacher to ask questions. The least // you can do is to
remember those things you have found difficult and to make up your mind in some
(2) way or other, either by asking questions or locking the matter up in 8೧೦8.
It is not sufficient just to / listen to the teacher to take a careful note (व what he says,
and then try to learn the material // later, A Student gets more out of his teachers, the
more work he is prepared to do entirely on his // own. In the first place he needs to
think about what his teacher has said. A student has to put (3) some questions which
he feels necessary and then try to obtain answers from the teacher. In addition the
students reading / should be related to the lessons or lectures that he hears so that his
reading reinforces what he learns orally // from his teacher. An ideal student is one who
has already read carefully the subject with which his teacher is // dealing. He can then
listen attentively and take particular note of these points that have not come before him
earlier. (4) What all this amounts to is that the student should fully engage himself
with his subject. A basic student is / a student without any assistance other than his
own efforts on the subject he is studying. He works at these // and masters them. This 15
what study really should be and everything else that may be cbtained from lessons.
The ही lectures from teachers are additions to the basic equipment at the student
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