Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'HIGH SCHOOL ASSISTANT TAMIL/ PART TIME HIGH SCHOOL TAMIL EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '118/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
In which article of the Indian Constitution clearly mentions that the state shall
treat everyone equally in matters of employment ?
A) Aricle 15 B) Article 16 C) Article 17 D) Article 19
Who was the founder of Admavidhyasangam in 1920 ?
A) V. K. Gurukal B) Brahmananda Sivayogi
C) Vagbhatananda D) Sahodharan Ayyappan
Who was the forefront freedom fighter for the implementation of the revolutionary
socialist reforms that Sree Narayana Guru preached for the upliftment of the
downtrodden millions of Kerala and called “Mithavadi”
A) Krishnan ठि) K. Achuthan
C) Dr. Palpu D) Thycaud Ayya
Who is the first Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Institution for
Transforming 17618 Ayog (NITI Ayog) ?
A) Benjamin 8) V.K. Chaudhary
C) Sindhsree Khuller D) Apama Patnaik
In which year Bharatiya Mahila Bank started for the upliftment of women in
India ?
A) 2012 B) 2013 ©) 2014 D) 2015
Cultural and Educational Right is embodied in which Section of the Consfitution ?
ಸಿ) Article 19.and 20 B) Article 9
C) Article 0 D) Article 39 and 40
During the Proclamation of Emergency all the powers of the government central
and state vested in which government ? |
A) Central Govemment B) State Government
C) Central and State Govemnment D) Union Government |
Who was the great Psychologist developed the Hierarchy of 98/7170 ೧7೦೦6557 ⋅
A) Bruner B) Gagne C) Skinner D) Piaget ∣
The theory of Social Constructivism was developed by
A) Freud B) Levin C) Ausubel D) Vygotsky
Who defines Social Science as “The subject relate to the origin organisation
and development of human society especially to man and his association with
other man” ?
A) James High ©) John Wesley
C) Michaelis " D) Bining and Bining