Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT KSEB PAPER II KERALA PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT CODE' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '109/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
9.11.15 80068796 temporary advance account from Overseer Mr. A with
the following particulars
Charges incurred in connection with electric installation
in office building 45
Cash returned 5
14.11.15 0810 by cheque “on account” bill of Contractor Mr. P for constructing
quarters for the staff of PWD Department, the particulars being the follows -
Deduction made
(i) Court attachment 500
(ii) *Overpayment made in respect of another minor work
“Construction of office building” 100
(ஸி) Security deposit 650
Total dedlictions 1,250
Net Payment by Cheque 7,950
.15.11.15 Received from 57.0 Mr. ‘B’ cash chalan for Rs. 100 remitted by him into
Treasury on account of sale proceeds of produce from public building 100
21.11.15 Cheque for Rs. 1,000 issued to Contractor Mr. Q on 15.7.15 was revalidated
22.11.15 81 found short in cash chest 5
23.11.15 Cash receipts on account of rent of building 1,000
28.11.15 S.D.0 Mr. ‘C rendered an imprest account for Rs. 75 towards payment
made to work charged establishment in connection with repairs to
residential buildings. The amount was recouped to him in cash 75
30.11.15 Remitted into Treasury the receipts received 07, 23.31.18 by
remitting the entire physical cash balance on hand and drawing
a self cheque for the balance 1,000
What are the guiding principles which are required to be observed by disbursing officer
before drawing cheques? (18
Write short notes on :
(a) Standard Measurement Book
(b) Account returns of sub divisional officer
(9 Deposit Works
(൫൬. Procedure adopted when money due to Government is deposited with the Divisional
(e) lssue rates (25)
2 109/2018 |