Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Chief General Manager
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Chief General Manager' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '002/2015/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

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Excerpt of Question Code: 002/2015/OL

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Di-compereating error
Correct Answer:- Opton-A
വന്‍ നാന റ other events are accounted and presented in aceordance with
‘Aslegal form
(Coubstance and economic resity
Correct Answer:-Queston Cancelled
‘question90:-Which ofthe flowing equation i comract?
CCe-share premium = sue price / par value
Correct Answer: 7:
பர்வ assets current sorets + ०११
8:18 வணி —curert १७९७ - வான lables
பரிசை + curent നന ടി
Dif asset + current assets ~ current lables
Correct Answer:- Opton-D
‘question ®2:-Which ofthe flowing statement snot true?
‘AsThe partnership agreement cannot over the 1890 Partnership Act
B:-captal contributions do nat have tobe equal from each partner
(Ceirtarest றைய a reward forthe cflerert amounts of work partners may perform
Ds-Net all partners can have limited Lablity in @ mid partnership
Correct Answer:- Opton-€
(Questior@3:-Al6f the lowing ieflunce captal budgeting cash fow exept
B= savage value
Coax rate changes
Ds= method of project nancing used
Correct Answer:- Opton-D
‘questir94-when capral must be rationed, the frm should rank project according tothe:
‘profitably index
CCoirterna ate of retum
Disnone of these
Correct Answer:-Queston Cancelled
വടട ofthe flowing does mot make the frm more vulnerable to fnandal distress?
കല sensiviy ofthe companys revenues to the general level of economic activity
High proportion of fixed to variable costs
(Ce-physteal aptal assets which are relatively tiquid and ciftcut-to-market
Correct Answer:- Opton-D
‘question96:-which ofthe flowing isthe main objective of cash management?
ಜ್‌ of cash balance
ന്മാ of cash balance
‏ام0 2۶۰۰ھ مج ہر‎ ۰.
‏نچ‎ 0/0೫ 10041915 tre for Net Income Approach?
5: Higher Debt s beter
(CeDebt Ratios relevent
Di-None of the above:
Correct Answer:- 08:
വം ‏سر ری ا‎
കന Contribution
oem + Sales
‏لقعو‎ + Variable Cost
Correct Answer:- 75:
‘question99:- which of the fllowing items snot an appropristion of profit fora limited compar’?
‘AnDeberture intrest payable
Bstranster to reserve
CCopreterence dvicend payable
Ds Ordinary dviena payable
Correct Answer:- Opton-A
‘Questint00--which of the folowing would not appear in the tral balance ടേ balance
മനി outwards
ರ रकम
Ds-cariage outwards
(Corres Answer:- Opton-A

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23/04/2015 15:08

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