Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Chief General Manager
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Chief General Manager' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '002/2015/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

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Excerpt of Question Code: 002/2015/OL

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(Questions4:- 1൨ a contract of guarantze , 2 person who promises to discharge காண்க (யாறு ‏نمم كار‎ as
Ds Indemnties
Correct Answer:- Opton-c
(Questins:- 1 Which ofthe folowing statement ‏کا‎ rue as per Indian Contract Act
ച Past Consideration does net the part of Indian contract act
B:-Consideration must be adequate
(Ci Consideration must resuttina benef to both parties
ರ these
Correct Answer:- Opton-D
‘question4g:- 1" The Consumer Protection Act provides fora three ther consumer disputes redressal system, In which the National Commission was established by the Central Government mn August
An 1986
‏کش یہ‎
ಯಗ Section 14 of IRDA Act 1999 lays down
Bs Duties, Powers and Functions of IRDA,
‏دعاصم يع‎ of RDA
Ds Supervision of IRDA
Correct Answer:- 25:
ಟಗ should have @ chairperson, It should have 2 minimum------ members but number ef members shoud not exceed
‎Correct Answer:- Opton-D
വം per Industral Poy Resolution 1956, Industes are classed into
۸+580 8
ടം മുല
பகள்வி கள:
Ds-Schedule A, 6, CandD
Correct Answer:- 7-5:
(Questions0:-Which ofthe flowing statement 6 not true
‘AsCompary Law Bard was constituted by the Central Government as an independent instution in 1991 as par Companies Act 1956
ಕ: members of Compary Law Board are appointed by Certral Government
(Ci-The maximum numberof members of Company Law Board s appeirted by Cental Government
Ds-Any voluntary consumer organzatin registered under the Societies regStration Act 1860 can fle @ complaint to Consumer Protection Act.
‎ಟಟ and Y Jointly promised to pay RS 8, 00,000 to Z. Before performance of cortractY dled. Here the contract
should be performed by W and X slong with Ys legal representative
(Ce-should be performed by W ane X alone
Di-Should be renewed between Wi, X and 2
Correct Answer:-Queston Cancelled
വം ക per Consumer Protection Ac 1986, National commission was established and started its functioning Wee.
Correct Answer:- Opton-A
‘questions3:The concept “bancassurance' was originated in
‎Correct Answer:- Opton-A
‘Questions4-An agreement which enforceable by law at the option of ene or more ofthe partes thereto but net atthe option ofthe other or others is 2

വം ಉಣಣದ,
മര്‍ മാറ
‏ہمغن‎ ലിഷ ഉട by ane person to ansther for some specie purpase, is known as
Correct Answer:- Opton-A
‘questionsé:-Power Distance Index of 77 compared to the World average of 56.5 for Inia naeates
‘AsHigh evel of poltial corruption
High level of Gender Empowerment Index
(C-High evel of equality of power and weatth within the ‏مہ‎
‎Ds-High level of equality of power and weatth within the sosety
‏ہش‎ 02
‘questins7:-wich among the Blowing neta made related to socal responsibilty?
‘AnCarrol's Made!
B:-Orgourn's Medel

Correct Answer:- Opton-B
വം; refers to the enterprises owned and managed Jory by the private and government sectors
‘AvCo-operative sector
ರ ‏آعددد‎
‎D-Soal sector
Correct Answer:- ‏کس‎
‎വം ofthe 10104600, 70 related to Water Palluton Protection Legisations in Lnta?
போ Easement Act L882
The Inaian Feheris Ac, 1897
‏دی‎ 20024 Stream Vesse! Act 1917
DisThe Water Preservation At, 5
Correct ജാറ
‘question6o:-kyoto Protocol pertains to
ശില development
Correct Answer:- Opton-B
‘Question 1=The Restrictive Trade Practices are provided in
കാട 23(8)
Section 3302)
0:566301 23(4)
Correct Answer: Opton-A
(question62:-Set of processeslaus and institutions that affects the way in which a corporation is drected, administered or controled, to facltate the interest of stake helder, is termed as:
ಲು ಮ ಇಂದ
Ds-Corpevate sustainabity
Correct Answer:- 78+
‘Question3:-Which ofthe flowing isnot the main objectve of Fiscal Policy n India?
۸۶7۵ ensure price ‏اہ‎
‎8-70 merase quay in the economy
(Ci-To mnumiseinequalites inthe astibuton of come and wealth
DsTo promete employment apportunties
Corres Answer:- ರಂ
‏افيه‎ ofthe flowing is nat a method of social aut?
‘AsPnaneal Statement Format Audie
Socal Process Aust
(Ce-Consttueney Group Aust
Ds-Employee Benet Aust
Correct Answer:- Opton-D
‘questions-Whe, among the flowing, i empowered to supersede the Competition Commission of India ?
BsCentral Government
(C-Supreme Court
பசார்‌ Commision
[1111111 ௩

file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/chief general manage.

23/04/2015 15:08

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