Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Chief General Manager
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Chief General Manager' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '002/2015/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

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Excerpt of Question Code: 002/2015/OL

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Correct Answer:- Opton-A
‘questin22-The objectve of creating reserve fund by the co-operative sodety is
‘AsTa meet urforessen losses
To pay offthe debt the socety
(Cot pay ofthe debts due to goverement
DsTo pay 9
Correct Answer:- Opton-A
വന്ന ന of cooperative socety s based on
‘all for வன்‌
Boesch forall
(Creech forall and ll for ಜಂ
Correct Answer:- ‏ٹس‎
‎‘question24:The main financing agency of co-operative barks

വട കാർ യ ടെ ടയ
Co-operative department of 1a
(C:Co operative Deparment of the State
Correct Answer:- ஜலா:
(question26:-Hawthome experment i associted with
८ ‏ارد‎
‎ന്നോ 2७०५
ರ Mayo
Correct Answer:- Opton-D
‘question27"-An ebigation to remain with an organisation for moral or ethical reasons is
‘AContinuance commitment
Bs-Atective commament
(CeAlormative commtment
D:-Omgansational commitment
Correct Answer:- Opton-C
‘question26:-iversifeaton by adding new, unrelated products or services for present customers referred to as
B:-Conglomerate aversiation

Correct Answer:- Opton-D
‘questin2a-Accoraing to BCG Matrox, which division represents businesses with high growth rate and low market share ?

Correct Answer:- ஜலா:
ணன: trarsiates the corporate strategy into concrete objectwes for individual business?
‘AsFunetona level managers
B:-Corporate level managers
ರ रा
ಹ evel managere
Correct Answer:- Opton-€
‘Question: Pubic aistbution system ട specticaly associated with
‘AsMarketng system
8602890 system
പി മന
questions2: kindness Jute
Subordination of indicus interest to general interest
ರೋ of persone!
Correct Answer:- Opton-D
വം ദ്ധ storming i 2 group activity exerse applied to get
‘AsSigle solution ta single problem
Many solution ۵ ‏د‎ single problem
ಗಗ many probleme
Di-Single oltion to many problems
Corres Answer:- 75:
‘Questions 4-Which ofthe flowing ೩2 ೫3480 7.
‘As-Setting of organisational abjectves
ಹ departmental objectives
CCe-identtyng the needs of the labour force
ല്ലി key resut areas
Corres Answer:- Opton-€
‘questin’5-which ofthe flowing s ot qualitative method of forecasting 3
(Co-Panel Consensus method
ലന നോ
Correct Answer:- Opton-A
വാട 1117)

ന ல,
Correct Answer:- Opton-€
‘questions7:-The Multnational corporation that expermented ‘Six Sigma! forthe frst te was
இனயம்‌ பரும 08

(भ 0
Ds-Teyeta Motor Corporation
Corres Answer:- Optor-€
‏یں‎ abity to lnftuene 2 group towards the achevement ofa vision or sets of goals is termed as
நக of contol
ರ ७,

ताय elimination ofof obs n an organisation fr costcuting, declining market share, previous overaggressve Neng and growth, or eusourcing is termed as

ണ്ട ۳۵۱
Correct Answer:- Opton-D
ಆಟ ofthe flowing is not associated with Michael Porters compettive forces in industry analysis?
‘AxDevelopmentof substitute products
8-889/1 power of suppers
(Ce-Bargaining power of employees
Ds-Potertial entry ofnew compettons
Correct Answer:- Opton-€
ಆಟ ಲ ಚ
vais contract
Di-Unenforeable contract
Correct कषण
‘question42:-1 AS per Inia Contract Act, which of the statement not true
‘As Consderation ofthe contract may be pas, present or future
B:-Consideration may move from the promissee or any other person
८: wagers an agreement by whieh money is payable By one person onthe happering ofan event only
Correct Answer:- Opton-C
Questions3:- 1 Contract മേന്മ described as per section
(Corres Answer:- Opton-A

file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/chief general manage.

23/04/2015 15:08

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