Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'JUNIOR INSTRUCTOR - ELECTRICIAN' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '020/2015/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

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Excerpt of Question Code: 020/2015/OL

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(Question 18Kanneerum பவை: ம associated with.2
‘AeMannath Padinanabban

Correct newer Option-B
‘Question 19-The place Erwviperoor’ i comnectal With?
Correct Answer Option-C
(Question20.-The fist martyraf the Revol of 1857
‘Sean Lax Bh
Mangal Pandey
நமக கஸ்‌
Correct newer Option-B
Queston2I-fcommanded current densty fr @ copper bus bar whic 15 unandosed should nt exceed
165 ಸೂ ‏ع‎
‎ಡಕ ಸೂ.
ಸ டை
Correct newer Opton-A
‘question22-1n which type of winding «long cll of sutcient length firs wound and then inserted in one lot andthe render ofthelngth i turned and nsrtad inthe adjacent ste?
കടി winding
Beinvelute col winding
ರ ‏وده‎
‎Deas winding
‎ப ರ ್ರ್ಬೂ್ಸ
‘Avthe motor may or may not run, wil dry large current and the winding may burnout
Bethe motor may oma not run, Wil dra the normal eurent
(Csthe motor will run nontally
the motor wl top
Correct Ane Wer Options
‘question 24-Bichnes relay opersteson
‘vol pressure
Begs pressure
‎ഘടം ‏لل وفلمیء‎ sid m a wansformer should have
‏م۸‎ absorb molsture easy when exposed to alr
Behigh insulation resistance
Colo heat கைம்மை
ப கட்டடப்‌
(Queston26:-The maximum val of torque that asynchronous moter can devlop ‏87ب‎
‎‘breaking torque
മിഷ ರರೂ
ശേഷി ಬಗ
ರ weque
Correct newer Opton-C
‘Queston27.-The wansformer whose secondary is not isolated from the primary is
ക്ത ജിന
potential wansiormer
Destep up tensformer
Correct Answer Opton-C
‘question2-in the magneto generator type insulation tester the handle tcranked at a speed of — rp approximately
"$1000 sn
31500 rn
62750 mn
‏ےب۱ ک2 مین‎ ight meter measures
Beluanous intensity
‎], 01
‘Questons0-A srw voltage stabiliser provides constant waltage to an accuracy around
‏سب‎ Options
(Question3:-Submerable pumps comesunder the catagory of
Bret pumps
(Crreetprocatng pumps
De-mono le puns
Correct ०००१
‘question 22-The sae of the transformer used in battery charger depends upon
‘Avccharging vokage of the battery
Becharging power of the battery
(Coeharging eurent capacity
Di-durging energy ofthe batary
Correct Answers Option-B
(Question .-Accordangto 1 rules a clear space of not les than ——-1n width shal be provided in front ofthe switch board
Correct newer Opton-A
‘question To solder parts and terminal of medium size, the soldering con wed shouldbe of
Correct Answer Opton-B
(Question 35-Theslze of binding wire used for binding insulator in overhead Rnes should not be ls than
ಸ-2 ೨0೫೫
Bol ಸೂ
Det sqm
Correct newer Opton-A
‘question a6-The fable plug tad on the top ofthe lactical gear casing isto
Avdiscomect the ಪೊಡೆ supply in ese of shorter

2086 10/09/2015 12:04 AM

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