Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Pharmacist Grade 2
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Pharmacist Grade 2' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '007/2015/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 6 out of 7
Excerpt of Question Code: 007/2015/OL

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6 of 7

De-rasnerandadl kashayam
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question74:-Pureesha nissarana is the indication of
‘Avphala vartht
Bs-chandanadi varthi
Cepashupatha varthi
De-both cand b
Correct Answer:-Option-A
Question7 5:-Makshika is a content of
‘Acdhanwantharam gulika
chandraprabha gulika
Ckanchanara guggula
De-yogaraja guggul
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question76:Naree nayana nandana isthe indication of
‘Armanibhadra gulam
Be-kalyana gulam
De-sathavaree gulam
Correct Answer:-Option-C
Question? 7-Trivrth is the major content of
Avavipathi churnam
Correct Answer:-Option-A
(Question7@-nimnonnatha jwarahara is the indication of
‘Ae-sulaimarem gritham
dadimadi gritham
Ceindulkantham gritham
De-vidaryadi gritham
Correct Answer:-Option-C
Question79:-Ksheera used in the preparation of Ksharasuthra
‘Avravi kshoeram
Ceboth a and b
De-snuhi ksheeram
Correct Answer:-Option-D
ato of dravya kshoora and udaka in lasuna ksheora

Correct Answer: Option B
Quostion® IJooraka is an ingrediont of
‘Acnayopayam kashayam
amrithotharam kashayam
C:sahacharadi kashayam
De-kaidaryadi kashayam
Correct Answor:- Option A
Quostion®2:kashaya used in sirassula
Acpunamavadi kashayam
B-pathyashadangam kashayam
Csashtavargam kashayam
Dewyoshadi kashayam
Correct Answor:- Option B
Question8 3:-karimbu and irumbu are used in the preparation of
Acchirivihradi kashayam
sapthasaram kashayam
ಗ वकसाच्ण
De-triphala kashayam
Correct Answer: Option
Question 4:Kashaya used in Pramcha
‘Acpanchathikthakam kashayam
patoladi kashayam
Csashtavargam kashayam
Denisakathakadi kashayam
Correct Answor:- Option-D
Question®5kashaya used after jatheokusumavasitha is
Acpunamavadi kashayam
Be-wyoshadi kashayam
Csdrakshadi kashayam
Deguluchyadi kashayam
Correct Answer: Option ©
Question®6>kashaya yonaya pancha rasa exept
ட்ட. B
படட sadaiva ardra dwiguna naiva yojayed exept
Correct Answer: Option-A
Question88:ratio of drug and water in phanta kashaya

05/25/2015 03:09 PM

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