Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LECTURER IN CHEMISTRY KERALA COLLEGIATE EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '119/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
23. The following ester undergo hydrolysis by B2 mechanism,
Which of the following products contain the “ان label ?
(^) CH,-CH,-COOH (B) எடி
(೧) CH,-OH (0) ೮-೮೧೧
24. The simplest alkane which is aptically active 5 :
(3) 2 methyl butane (B) 3 - methyl pentane
(ಛಿ) 2 - methyl hexane (D) 3 - methyl hexane
25. What will be the major product when 2 - methyl - 2 - butene reacts with each of the
following :
൫ Hg(OAc), H;0 followed by NaBH, and NaOH
11) BH,, THE followed by H,0, and ٢٢۸۰
(ಸಿ) (1) 2 - methyl - 1 - butanol (i) 3 - methyl - 2 - butanol
(B) (i) 3 - methyl - 2 - butanol (ii) 2 - methyl - 1 - butanol
[9 ¢) 3 - methy! - 2 - butanol (11) 2 - methyl - 2 - butanol
(D) (1) 2- methyl - 2 - butanol (i) 3 - methyl - 2 - butanol
26, The correct order of stability of the following carbocations is :
(A) methyl < primary alkyl < tertiary alkyl < benzyl
(8) methyl < benzyl < primary alkyl < tertiary alkyl
(€) tertiary alkyl < benzyl < primary alkyl < methyl
(15) methyl < primary alkyl < benzyl < tertiary alkyl
27. The pKa value of p - chloro benzoic acid is 3.98 and that of benzoic acid is 4.19. The calculated
value of the substituent constant (0) 101 (11 parachloro group is :
(ക) +1 B -0.21 (€) +0.0224 (D) -0.0224
28. Which of the following alkyl halide will undergo Sy2 ethanalysis fastest ?
(A) Bromomethane (8) Bromoethane
(C) Bromopropane (1) 2 - methyl - 1 - Bromo propane
119/2014 6 ழ்