Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LECTURER IN PHYSICS KERALA COLLEGIATE EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '126/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The Fermi Golden rule of time = perturbation gives the transition per unit time
(ക) Perturbed Hamiltonian from one slationary state to another
(8) Perturbed Hamiltonian from one stationary state to a group of states
(9) Perturbed Hamiltonian from a group of states to another group of states
(D) None of these
If the magnetic field vector 1 has only Z component given by H,=3xcosp +6ysiny and
if the field is invariant with time, the expression for current density ] will be :
دہ J=6ksiny (8) J=—6ksiny (C) 1= —6kcosy (D) ரஸ )^(
Which of the following equations represents the relation between the magnetising volume
current density مي[ and the magnetisation polarization M ?
)۸( ٤٥ي[ (೫) 15೪. ೪೬10) (©) ], =VxM (0) ணா
- -
Poynting theorem relating the electric intensity E, magnetic intensity I and the rate of
energy flow per unit area at a point gives poynting vector P as equal to :
¬+ ¬> - ஆ
- - - یہ
(A) ExH B) E-H (3 V.ExH (D) ಶಿ...
Tor propagation of electromagnetic wave in a good conductor, the value of :
(4) «=Jopo/2, p=180 (ए) வச, 890
ا ௨௨/௮ (2) a=p=Jupo/2
When EM waves are propagated in a rectangular waveguide :
(A) they travel along the broader walls of the waveguide
(0) they travel through the di-electric without touching the walls
(C) they travel along all the four walls of the waveguide
(D) they are reflected from the walls but do not travel along the walls
During an adiabatic process at constant pressure, the temperature and volume of a gas are
found to vary according to the relation ۳۷۳۶۵ = constant, The gas should be a :
(A) monoatomic gas (8) diatomic gas
(C) triatomic gas (D) could be any of the above
126/2014 6 A