Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'PHARMACIST GR II NCA LC/AI HN HEALTH SERVICES KSGD' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '148/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Select most suitable category for Tramadol ?
(^) Opioid analgesic (B) Antiarrhythmic drug
(€) Non-narcotic analgesic (D) Antiepileptic drug
Which drug used in treating mental depression ?
(ക) Fluoxetine (8) Amitryptylline (C) Amyl nitrite (D)
What is the use of Carbamazepine ?
{A) Mental depression (8) Epilepsy
(೮) Amoebic dysentery (D) Diarrhoea
What is the use of metronidazole 7
(A) Amoebic dysentery (8) Filariasis
(त) Malaria (D) Hookworm infections
Which is the drug of choice for treating filariasis ?
(A} Mebendazole (8) Praziquantel
(C) Diethyl carbamazine (D) Piparazine
Which drug is used in treating malaria 7
(A) Emetine (8) Ranitidine (८) Quinine (D)
Which Antibacterial agent used in typhoid fever ?
(A) Ciprofloxacin _ (8) Chloramphenicol
(C) Cotrimoxazole (D) भा of the above
Cotrimoxazole is a combination drug of :
(A) Trimethoprim and Sulphamethoxazole
{B) Trimethoprim and Sulphadiazine
(ಲ) Trimethoprim and Sulphamoxole
(D) All of the above
Todine is a constituent of which hormone ?
(A) Thyroid hormone (8) ல
(C) Oxytocin (12) Corticosteroids
148/2014 4
Both (A) and (B)