Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'TRADESMAN CARPENTRY TECHNICAL EDUCATION TVPM PTA ALP IDK EKM WYD AND KGD DIST' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '174/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
74. ആ timber is coarse textured with interlocked grains.
ல் Deodar (B) Teak
(9 Bahul (D) ا0
758. ب type of stairs has a well or opening between the flights.
(A) Open newel stair (0) Dog legged stair
(0 Quarter turn stair (D) Straight stair
76, ಎ18 0 0762781 608901 17 عطست
ക ہہت (B) Spring
(@ Burl . (D) Twist
77. is a trunk of a tree with branches cut off and bark removed.
(ಗ). Baulk (B) 018/1
)6 وم (D) "Deals
78, —————plane is used to plane concave or convex surface.
(A) Compass plane (B) Rebate plane
(^) Plough plane (D) Match plane
79. —————— screw is driven with a hammer.
(4) Round head screw (B) Nail scrow
(C) Raised head serew (D) Cup screw
80. سس type of wooden floor has got a herring bone strutting at the mid-span to
strengthen the joint.
{A) Basement or ground floor (B) Single joist wooden floor
(0) Double joist wooden floor (D) - Framed joist wooden floor
81. Inwhich district was Perinad strike held?
) Alappuzha ' _ (B) Kollam
(८) Thiruvananthapuram (D) Kottayam
82. Who authored ‘Adwaitha Chintha Paddhathi'?
(A} Chattampi Swamikal (B) Sreenarayana Guru
(©) Kumaranasan (D) Vaghbatananda
174/2014 12 A