Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANT GRADE II SR FROM SC/ST VARIOUS' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '179/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

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Excerpt of Question Code: 179/2014

(Page: 1)

Maximum : 100 marks

Time : 1 hour and (Dictation 5 minutes)

Instructions :


The following matter should be dictated to the candidates Ioudly and distinctly and only
Once, at the rate of 80 words per minute.

Speed should be regulated at every quarter of minute.

. Before commencement at the dictation, the candidate should be asked to take down the

matter in short-hand and transcribe into longhand in ink.

Based on the demands from the first special Grama sabha or Ward sabha and based on
development of data, both/primary and secondary, exhaustive Development Reports
have been prepared and printed the case of very Local Government in the state.// These
reports describe the status in each sector of development with reference to available
data, analyze the problems and point / / / the directions for further development. This is
a time exercise for a plan period and the reports have been revised (1) before the tenth
five year plan.

Based on the Grama Sabah or Ward sabha feed back and the development report, /a one
day seminar is held at the local government level in which participation of experts,
elected members, representative nominated/by the sabhas, practitioners from among
the public is endured. The development seminars suggest the board and general
strategies //fof developments projects to 06 taken up for a particular year.

The ideas thrown up by the above three states are (2) translated in the form of projects
by working groups at the legal government level. For each local government there/ ave
about eight working groups dealing with different sections of development. Each
working groups headed by an elected member / and is convened by the concerned
government official. The Vice-Chairman of the working group is normally a
non-government experts in /f//the sector. The projects are prepared in the suggested
format outlining the objectives, describing the benefits. Explaining the funding and
(3) detailing the mode of execution and the phasing of the project.

From among the projects, based on the allocation communicated the feoncerned Local
Government finalize its plan for the year and this plan is submitted to the District
Planning Committees through the //Technical Advisory Committees, The panchayath is
free to take up any projects, irrespective of its cost, subjective to the resources ///
available and within the sectoral limits. The Technical advisory committees at the block
or the district level consisting of officials (4) and non-official experts the projects for
their technical viability and conformity with the mandatory government guidelines on
planning and costing and /forward them to District Planning Committee. They cannot
change priorities or projects : they can only ask for rectifications The// D.P.C gives the
formal approval to the plan after which the local Government can start implementation.
It is in this/// context that a workshop has been organized with a view to facilitating
organic links between Engineering Institutions and local Governments. (5)

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