Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'TECHNICIAN GR II GENERAL MECHANIC KERALA CO OPERATIVE MILK MARKETING FEDERATION LTD' And exam conducted in the year 2017. And Question paper code was '115/2017'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The fundamental deviation symbol ‘H’ represents :
(A) Hole (B) Shaft
(ಲ) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
Acme thread has an included angle of :
(ಹ) 397 ൫ 29 (೦ ٭٭ (00 37
For cutting thread on a lathe gear ratio can be calculated by :
A DR _ Pitch to be cut ® DR _ Piich of the lead screw
(^ DN Piich of the lead screw फ) DN Pitch to be cut
(ಲ) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
In gun breeches which thread is used ?
(മ) Buiters threads (B) Acme thread (0) Square thread (D) Worm thread
For general purpose sawing a blade will be used.
(ಹಿ) 18 pitch ൫ 10 pitch )© 15 pitch (D) All of these
The rotary motion in a power backsaw machine is converted into linear motion by :
(ಹ) Chain drive (B) Gear drive
(C) Crank mechanism (D) Slotted lever mechanism
While machine reaming the work is revolved at
(^) High speed (8) Very slow speed
(ಲ) Medium speed (D) None of these
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