Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'CINE ASSISTANT / UNIT BOY NCA KFDC LTD' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '199/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Introducing a boy a girl said, “He is the son of the daughter of the father of my uncle “. 11೧%
is the boy related to the girl?
(ക) Uncle (B) Brother
(0) Son-in-law (D) Nephew
The last day of a century cannot be :
(வி) Wednesday (B) Monday
(¢) Friday (2) Thursday
At 5.20, the hour hand and minute hand of a clock from an angle of =
ക 40* (B) 50
(0 20* (0) 10
Choose the odd one out : 27, 64 100, 125, 216 :
ல 27 (8) 5
(0 216 (9) 100
Pradeep walked 20 m towards south then he turned to his left and walked 25 m. He then
turned to his left and walked 20 m. He again turned to his right and walked 15 m. At what
distance is he from the starting point?
(ಗಿ) 45 णा (0) 35 س
(©) 40m @M 60m
2x1=41, 3x2=98, 4x3=1627, 6:4൦ 28564 :
(A) 2564 (0) 2654
(0) 2456 D) 2516
A party consisted of a man, his wife, his four sons and their wives and four children in each
son's family. How many were there in the party?
(A) 10 (0) 26
(© 22 (7) 20
199/2014 14 ↴ A