Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'TRADESMAN SHEET METAL ENGINEERING TECHNICAL EDUCATION TVM PTA IDK WYD AND KGD' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '202/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The operation making a cone shaped enlargement of the end of a hole is known as :
(ಸ) counter sinking (18) counter boring
(0 trepanning (0) spot facing
69. Which of the following operation is first ٥٣٥۶0۶۰
(0) spot facing (2) 001%
{C) tapping { (0) drilling
70. 'The drill mainly used in drilling brass, copper or softer material :
(५) flat drill () straight fluted drill
(C) parallel shank twist drill (12) tapered shank twist drill
71. The usual value of the point angle of a drill is :
(^) 70° (8) 100°
(ര 118° (D) 130°
78. For softer materials the point angle of a dvill is :
(ಗ) equalto118° (0) less than 118°
(C) more than 118° (D) any one of the above
78. Twist drill are made of :
(ಗಿ) high speed steel (B) carbon steel
(0) stainless steel (M) either (A) or (B)
74. A tool used to withdraw a drill from the sleeve is called :
(ക drill remover (1) ۶۴
(0). 6/11 7010 1) drill drawer
75. 11% unit of temperature in 8.1 system :
(ക) 70 (0) 7
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76. "V" block is used to :
(A) check the trueness of flat surface (B) locate centre of round 7೧೩೧೩
(0) check the surface roughness (D) none of the above
A 11 202/2014