Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'MECHANICAL ENGINEERING' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '078/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Answer ALL questions. Answer shall be limited to one paragraph.
Questions 31 to 38 carry 10 marks ೧೩೦೫,
A leather belt 9 mm = 250 mm is used to drive a cast iron pulley 900 mm in diameter at 336
rpm. If the active arc on the smaller pulley is 120° and the stress in tight side is 2 MPa, find
the power capacity of the helt. The density of leather may be taken as 980 kg/m® and the
coelficient of friction of leather on 086% 107 15 0.35.
A component is subjected to completely reversed stress cyele which varies over a 30 second
time period, as follows :
10 eycles at 500 MPa
5 eycles at 600 MPa
3 eycles at 700 MPa
The corresponding fatigue lives for the above stresses are 10%, 4:10* and 15 »10* ೮0105
respectively. Datermine the fatigue life of the component. '
A Diesel engine has a compression ratio of 14 ಜಾರ cut-off takes place at 6% of the stroke, Find
the air standard efficiency.
A 400 kg diesel engine mounted ता a chassis frame runs at 500 rpm. The static deflection of
the weigh iz 2.4 mm. The reciprocating parts have a mass of 18 kg. The stroke of the engine
is 160 mm. The damping coefficient of the dash pot attached is 2 N/mm/s. Determine the
amplitude at steady state and the resonance speed
A cantilever of length 7', moment of inertia ‘T and Young's modulus ‘% carries a coneentrated
load Wat the middle of its length. Calculate the slope of the cantilever at the free end.
A person of mass 80 kg and another person of 60 kg stand side by side at the same end ofa
130 kg boat, ready to dive each with a velocity of 5 m/s relative to the boat. Determine the
velocity of the boat after they have both dived, Assume that the 80 kg ணம்
A boiler produces 2000 kg of dry and saturated steam per hour at 10 bar and feed water is
heated by an economizer to a temperature of 110°C. 225 kg coal of a calorific value of
30100 kd/kg are fired per hour. If 10% of coal remains unburnt find the thermal efficiency of
the boiler. Enthalpy of dry saturated steam at 10 baris 2776.2 k J/ ke.
A damped vibrating system consists of a mass of 8 kg which makes 30 oscillations in
18 seconds. After 5 oscillations, the amplitude reduced to 0.25 times the initial value.
Determine the spring stiffness, logarithmic decrement, damping coefficient and damping
6 ⋅ 78/2015