Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'STATION OFFICER TRAINEE FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '080/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
27. Polyploidy can be induced with the help ല്:
(ಯ) 14% (B) Gibberellin
{C) Colchicine () Kinetin
28. 1 7070 01೧೦೫೫11೧16 7001 01 (1೧05 விடு 125 :
(A) Cireen algae رص Blue-green algae
(C) Red algae (D) Brown algae
29. Agar ie extracted from the members of :
(A) Green algae - (B) Brown algae
(0 Blue-green algae M) Red algae
30. The individual unit of perianth is :
ക Tepal (B) Sepal
ட வு... യ) കില്
31. What is the rols of kidney in mammala?
(ಗ) Removal of water and maintenance of nitrogenous substance
() Removal of salt and retention of water
(0) Removal of water and retention of salt
1). Removal of nitrogenous wastes and maintenance of water levels
39, Hormone Vasopressin helps :
(ക To increase the amount of waler res orbed in the kidney
(B) Toincrease the amount of glucose resorbed 1n the kidney
() To decrease the amount of water resorbed in the kidney
(1)) To decrease the amount of glucose resorbed in the kidney
39, Which of the following statement is correct for a pathogen?
(ಗ) They are all microscopie بت They are all infectious
0 They are all macropaxr (D) They are all viral particles
34. Select the most acgepled sequence in human evolution :
(A) ralopithecus — Ramapithecus — Homo erectus — Homo habilis = Homo
(B) Cro-Magnon man > Homo ereetus ೫ 110111೧ 11801115 ~> Homo sapiens
(൮ Astralopithecus —» Ramapithecus —» Homo erectus — Homo sapiens — Homo
(D) Ramapithecus —» Homo habilis — Homo erectus —> Homo sapiens
80/2035 ⋅ 6 A