Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '069/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
17. General limiting factor for primary productivity in aquatic ecosystem is :
(9) Nitrogen (0) Phosphorus
(¢) Sulphur (d) Carbon
18. The Montreal Protocol called for the complete phase out of :
(8) ೧೫೧% ¢) गणा
0 ا (1 005
19. The MSW of an Indian town has on an average of ———— biodegradable matter.
(a) 42% 0) 10%
(2) 82% (0) 73%
20. The major cause behind the damage of historical buildings like Taj Mahal 1s :
(a) Atmospheric Ozone
(0) Presence of Sulphuric acid in environment
(9) Increased CO:z concentration
(6) Polluted water in rivers
21. സ്ത process of establishing a forest in a non-forest area is ടല്ദ് (0 06:
(8) Reforestation . (b) Social forestry
(€) Agro forestry (ദ Afforestation
22. The greatest threat torthe sustainability of agriculture in India is :
(8) Agro-chemical pollution (b) Transgenic crops
(¢) High yielding crops (6) Soil mismanagement
28. The major source of electric power generation in India is :
(a) Thermal രു Hydel
(0 Nuclear ൽ (6). 11116
24. Biomedical waste may be disposed by :
(a) Incineration (0) Autoclaving
(¢} Land filling (१) Both (b) and (¢}
ஒத, Which of the following is likely characteristic of hazardous waste?
(ഭു Ignitability (b) Corrosive
(८) Reactivity (6) Any of the above
26. ‘The largest coral reef in the world is found near the coast of :
(a) Australia (೧) Cuba
(८) Ghana (ध) Philippines