Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'OVERSEER KSCDC LTD' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '195/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 6 out of 10
Excerpt of Question Code: 195/2015

58. According to Rowan plan, if H= hourly rate, ⋀↰− ⋅⊐⊏⊵⊔≖↘⊐⇂∎∣⋯↿↝⊺⋅∎≹∋−≤∣∣↿⊓⋅↿↼∃∫⊾⋅⋅⋅∥⊳⋅∥⋅⇀−↴⋅∙⋅∣∣∁⊓
(A) HA 8 ‏1۸آ‎ +]6- ۸
(3) HA+[{S—A)/2]H 12) 1۸+ ‏-ک)]‎ ۸(۸
59. Which of the following is not wage incentive plan ?
(A) Differential piece rate system (8) Rowan plan
(C) Taylor plan (D) Halsey plan
60. Critical path on PERT/CPM chart is obtained by joining the events having :
(A) maximum slack (8) minimum slack
(C) average slack (D) judgement and experience
61. Superposition theorem is essentially 2900! ೧೫ (75 ೯೦೧೦೯೫ ೦0 ‏...بل اب.ے‎
(ക) Duality (B) Linearity (€) Reciprocity (2) Non-linearity
62. The number of turns and the length of a solenoid both are doubled. Tis axial magnetizing
field would be __ |
(ക) doubled (8) halved (0) unaffected (0) quadrupled
63, When a rectangular voltage is applied to a capacitor, the waveform of its charging
current is :
(^) sinusoidal (0) ‏طامہا سو‎ (9) rectangular (D) णा of the above
64. A hollow insulated conducting sphere has a positive charge of 10 wC. What will be the
electric field at the centre of the sphere if its radius is 2 meters ?
(A) 5 uC/m? (B) 40 ೬೦/೫2 (3) 20 uC/m? (D) 2600
65, The electric field on equipotential surface is _
(A) parallel to surface (8) மிய
(©) perpendicular to surface (D) 2௭௦
195/2015 10 A

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