Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LDCLERK VARIOUS BY TRANSFER MALAYALAM/ENGLISH' And exam conducted in the year 2017-M. And Question paper code was '090/2017-M'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam and English (containing Malayalam questions) . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 11 out of 13

Excerpt of Question Code: 090/2017-M

Identify the parts of speech of the word underlined

You must be careful when you drive.

(५) Adverb (छ) Adjeetive
(€) Verb (D) Noun
72. Oneofthesoldicrs killed by the enemies.
ക്ര ഭട (B) ೧05
രര) (D) have
73. Theman ____ ciosscd theroed and ran away.
(க) had (ஐ) ५५९5
(टी ‏ىا‎ (D) has
74. _ spanjshare known for their hospitality.
(A) The (8) ^
)0© An (D) No article
75. 1100000) your 61605.
(A) ‏صف‎ ⋅ (8) ೧೪/೧110
(€) ೫1 (D) eould
76. Nobody treais me well,
(^) don’tthey? (छ) havethey ?
(©) १०५९४? (D) haven't they ?
7 __isavery good exercise for health
(കു Walks (छ) Towalk
)© Walk (D) None of these
78. 1f you had started carky, you ____ __reached on time.
(^) would (8) would have
(©) ഷി! (D) ‏٤6‎
‎19. Change into indirect speech — She excl med, “what o beautiful child!™
(4) She exclaimed that theehild is beautiful
(छ) She exelaimed that it is a beautiful child
(C) She exclaimed that the child was beautiful
(D) She exclaimed that it was 2 beautiful child,
0000011-1 12

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