Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'SITE ENGINEER GR II KSFDC LTD' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '187/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Bearing of 08 ௨2030 and bearing of OB=120°00', ZAOB is :
(ക) 99°30' (8) 100530 (9 140301 (D) 28000.
The value വ് dismantled material less the cost of dismantling is called :
(A) Scrap value {B) Salvage value (C) Book value (D) Marhit value
Back washing is highly effective 17 ഒട വ്
(ಗಿ) ماك sand filters (8) Rapid sand filters
(0) Pressure filters (D) Rapid and slow sand filters
Colour of fresh sewage :
(A) brown (B) ஜூன (ಲ) pink (D) black
If “W" is the weight per volume, ‘P’ safe bearing capacity and ¢ is the angle of repose of soil
retained by the retaining wall. The minimum depth of foundation is :
P (1-sind P டை]
(&) W_(l+sin¢r ய் பட்
9 P(1-sind 71 + ५
۹ 1 வக യ 1; ज्ज
The bending moment in a beam will be maximum where :
(ക) 17 shear force is uniform (0) the shear force is ತ
(ப) the shear force is zero (D) the shear force is minimum
A steel wire of 5 mm diameter is bend into a circular shape of 5 m radius. Young's modulus
E =200 GPa. The maximum stress induced in the wire is :
(A) 100 N/mm? (B) 1000 N/mm? (C) 10 N/mm? (D) 1N/mm?
A unit is working in anaerobic action is :
(A) Activated sludge process (B) Tricling filter
(C) Contact bed (D) ஹம மாம்:
7 ⋅ 187/2015