Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'STENO TYPIST FOAM MATTINGS INDIA LTD /CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANT GR II VARIOUS' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '186/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
186/2015 (Page : 1) 100028
Maximum Marks : 100 Time Dictation : 5 Minutes
Time for transcription : 1 hour
Instructions :
1, The following matter should be dictated to the candidates loudly and distinctly and only
once at the rate of 80 words per minute.
2. Speed should be regulated at every quarter of a minute.
3. Before commencement at the dictation, the candidate should be asked to take down the
matter in shorthand and transcribe into longhand in ink.
T do not think that it is necessary for me to explain at length the importance of the mother
tongue/ as the medium of instruction to the members of this University, because you have already
accepted its utility in principle// and have also taken steps to give that principle a practical form.
I would like to congratulate you on this/// courageous move and | hope that you will always
remain firm صا your purpose and would achieve success by surmounting (1) all the obstacles and
difficulties that you may have to encounter. Thus you will convince even those who are skeptical/
today of the great capacity and utility of Indian Languages as medium of education. I think that
achieving success// in this direction, two kinds of steps are necessary. In the first place, you have
to prepare and popularize a/// lexicon of such terms as our languages either did not have or if
they had, the terms were not sufficient (2) popular for expressing the ideas of each scientific subjects
as are entirely new to us. I find that even/ in this direction your University and government have
been active and [ would like to congratulate you all for that// as well. The other step that seems
to be necessary is that the syllabus as well as the educational methods/// of our institutions should
be appropriately changed. 1am afraid that necessary steps in this direction are not being taken us
(3) yet and 1 would like not only this University but other universities as well to pay adequate
attention to this/ problem.
Learning has great value. It has a fundamental importance for the development of mind,
body and morality and, in// our own times, even for the economic life of man. It is therefore,
necessary that whatever resources of education are/// available in my country should be such ೩5
to enable the students to make an all round progress. Even if (4) we consider other matters to be of
secondary importance and hold that only such knowledge as has an economic value/ is to be
preferred, the present education system needs a radical change.
I would therefore urge that our educational system// should be such as imparts knowledge
of the subjects by virtue of which educated people not only be enabled to/// share in the wealth
produced by other but also to make their contribution in increasing the total national wealth.(5)