Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ASSISTANT DENTAL SURGEON HEALTH SERVICES' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '238/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
92, One of the following nerve is not ل in gowgate technique of nerve block :
(4) Auriculotemporal (B) Lingual Nerve
(C) Nerve to lateral pterygoid (D) Mylohyoid nerve
98. Andygump deformity commonly occur following :
(A) Total maxillectamy (18) Alveolar ridge agumentation
(C) Gunshot injury of midface (D) Total mandibular resection
94. Following is not a clinical feature of superior orbital syndrome :
(ക Opthalmoplegia (18) Forehead aneasthesia
(0 Constricted pupil (D) Proptosis
95. Which of the following is not associated with temperomandibular joint pathology?
(A) Diastema (B) Open bite
(©) Deep bite (D) Traumatic occlusion
96. Which of the following materials is commonly used for making Laminate veneers?
[ക Metal ceramic (8) Injection moulded ceramic
(0) Zirconia ceramic (1)) InCeram
97. A desirable property of metal ceramic alloys is :
(ಡಿ) Low elasticity (B) High thermal expansion
)0 Sag resistance (D) High flexibility
98. Shaped block out is used for :
(^) Removal of undercut in the proximal side
(B) Removal of undercut in the buccal side
(C) Removal of undercut in the interproximal area
(D) Placement of retentive clasps
99. Minor connector for a mandibular distal extension RPD should extend posteriorly to the :
வ நண்ணா நகம் (B) 1/2 the length of the edentulous ridge
(€) 2/3 the length of the edentulous ridge (D) Length is not a problem
100. Which of the following is an occlusal scheme not seen in natural dentition?
(ಗಿ) Balanced occlusion (B) Canine guided Occlusion
(0) மழ function Occlusion (D) Mutually protected occlusion
238/2015 14 A