Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LEGAL OFFICER KERALA FINANCIAL CORPORATION' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '235/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
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Under Hindu law a person who has an adopted son living :
(५) Can adopt another son
(18) Cannot adopt another son
(C) Can adopt another son with the consent of the adopted son
(D) Can adopt another son with the prior permission of the court
Restitution of conjugal right is a remedy having its generis under :
(ക English Law (B) Indianlaw
(C) French law (D) لفقل 13%
Imprisonment of the husband is a ground for divorce under section 2(iii) of the Dissolution of
Muslim Marriage Act, 1939, if the imprisonment is for a period of :
(ക Three years or more (B) Seven years or more
(C) Ten years or more (D) Four years or more
The maxim “Salus Populi Supreme Lex" means :
(ക Noman is above the law
(0) The welfare of the people is the Supreme Law
(൬ An inevitable accident can be prevented by the exercise of reasonable care,
caution and skill
(D) None of these
Malicious prosecution is a Tort intending to protect :
(A) Right of police to prosecute the criminal
(B) Against abuse of legal proceedings g
(C) Accused against the Public Prosecutor
(D) Prosecution of government servants
The main supporter of the theory that “it is a law of tort and not law of Torts" is :
(A) Winfield (B) Salmond
(C) Fleming (D) Heuston
Two or more persons can be made jointly Tort-feasors if they have :
(ക) Common design (B) Common victim
(C) Same intention (D) Common motive
The “Absolute liability” theory as the basis for Tortious Liability for industrial injuries was
propounded by :
മ Sikrid (B) V.R. Krishna Tyer J
(C) P.N. Bhagwathi C.J. (D) Lord Atkin
11 235/2015