Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'FOREMAN SERVICE WORKSHOP KERALA SMALL INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD SIDCO' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '236/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Newton's law of viscosity depends upon the :
(A) shear stress and rate of strain
(B) ehear stress, pressure and velocity
(C) stress and strain in a fluid
(10) viscosity and shear stress
An oil of specific gravity 0.95 has kinematic viscosity of 0.28 Stokes at 38°C. What will be its
viscosity in Ns/m=?
(ക) 00858 (B) 0.0311
0 0 (D) 0.0266
From the point of lower specific energy consumption, which of the following compressor are
suitable for part load aperation?
(ಯ) centrifugal compressors (ए) single stage screw compressor
(C) two stage reciprocating compressor (D) two stage screw compressor
Which of the following processes does not involve ೩ transfer of material?
(^+) convection (3) vaporization
(C) radiation (D) evaporation
For a given heat flow and for the same thickness, the temperature drop access the material
will be maximum for : i
(^) ஸி | (0) copper
(C) refractory brick (D) glass-wool
Heat is conducted through a 10 em thick wall at the rate of 30 W/m? when the temperature
difference across the wall is 10°C. What is the thermal conductivity of the wall?
(ಗ) 0.03 W/mk (8) 0.3 W/mk
)© 8.0 W/mk (D) 30.0 علصا
The ratio of energy transferred by convection ما that by conduction is called :
(ಗ) Biot pumber (ए) Nusselt number
(0) Stanton number (D) Peclet number
When all the conditions are identical, in the case of flow through pipes with heat transfer, the
velocity profiles will be identical for :
(A) liquid heating and liquid cooling (B) gas heating and gas cooling
(C) liquid heating and gas cooling (D) heating and cooling of any fluid
5 236/2015