Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'RADIOGRAPHER GR II INDIAN SYSTEMS OF MEDICINE IDK KKD' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '011/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'B'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Cancer of which among the 1 organs is likely to spread to bone ?
{A) Lip (8) Nasopharynx () Tongue (D) Maxilla
Radioiodine is used in the treatment of all except :
(A) Differentiated thyroid cancer (8) Medullary thyroid cancer
(C) Grave's disease (D) Multinodular goitre
PET scan :
(ക) 15 used in staging evaluation of lymphoma
(8) Is expensive
(©) 8F-FDG is the tracer used
(1)) All of the abave
In radioactive equilibrium :
(ಗಿ) The parent and daughter elemenls are stable
(18) The parent element is radioactive, the daughter is always stable
(८) The parent and daughter nuclide will decay चा the same rate
(D) None of the above
The approximate energy of the radiation emitted from tungsten target when an electron falls
from M shell to the K shell is :
(A) 70 KeV (B) 59 KeV (©) 675 KeV (D) 85 KeV
Isomers are :
(^) Atoms with same atomic number, different number of neutrons
(ए) Atoms with same number of neutrons, different atomic number
(८) Atoms with same mass number, different number of neutrons
(12) Atoms with same mass number, same atomic number, different number of nuclear
energy levels
In photon beam interaction with matter the process in which there is no net loss of energy
is :
(2) Coherent scattering (8) Photo electric effect
(C) Compton effect (D) Pair production
The unit of KERMA is :
_ (2) Roentgen (8) Gray (C) Sievert (D) Joule
11/2014 32 B