Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LECTURER IN ZOOLOGY KERALA COLLEGIATE EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '056/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Precursor for catecholamine hormones is ; ४
{A) Methionine (B) Alanine
{C) Tyrosine (றி) Serine
Chitin 15 :
(ಗೆ) Heteropolysaceharide with glucuronic acid and 110011] glucosamine residues
linked by beta 1 ~ 4 linkage
(B) Homopolysaccharide with D glucose residues linked by beta 1— 4 likage
(0 Homopelysaccharide of D fructose residues linked by beta 1 - 2 linkage
(D) Homopolysaccharide with Nacetyl glucosamine residues liked by beta 1- 4 linkage
Human ABO blood group is determined by :
(ക) Antigenic property of lecithin of the membrane
(ए) Antigenic property of oligosaccharide head group of glycosphingo lipid
(C) Antigenic properties of ethanolamines
(D) Antigenic properties of cholesterol of the membrane lipid
From the following, select the correct combination. The immunoglobulin class produced م صا
primary response to an antigen and the first immunoglobulin to be synthesized by the
neonate are ٭
ல TgM, IgM (8) शभ. 120
(ட 7 ய) ணன
In Graves' disease, auto-antibodies :
(A) Bind to receptor for TSH
(13) Its action mimic the normal action of TSH
(¢) Overstimulate the thyroid
(10) All the above
Which of the following is correct with respect {o the function of complement system?
(ल) [क्छ (B) Opsemization
(C) Clearance of immune complexes (1) All the above |
Haptens are :
(ಗೆ) antigenic (B) immunogenic
(05 both antigenic and immunogenic (D) non-antigenic and non-immunogenic
Georges Kohler and Cesar Milstein are associated with:
(A) transplantation (0) hybridoma technology
(C) vaccine development (D) complement system
5 56/2014