Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'FULL TIME JUNIOR LANGUAGE TEACHER/PART TIME JUNIOR LANGUAGE TEACHER LPS EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2017. And Question paper code was '096/2017'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Question Booklct ' ()msnnuunnl.le'
பிட்ட ےرا Serinl Number 100357
உல் No. of Questions: 100 പ. ರಾಹ್] 275 Minutes
Maximum : 11 Marks
। ॥ 1 41 تحير form of 8 Question Booklet There will be versions of
ion booklets with question boaklet alpha code viz. A, B. C & D,
2. The Question Bovklet Alpha Code will be printed on the ൬ 168 mangin of the facing sheet of the
question booklet
3. TheQuestic will be noted in your seating position in the Examination
4. Il you ger a question booklet where the 11/1
Booklet Alpha Code 01101186101
code does not match ٥ط ح٥ 0113110 alpha code in the
1131೧೯11114 1111113
of the facing shee
sition, please dranw the attention of the |
5. The Question Booklet Serial Number is printed 6
question booklet is un-numbere
he top right mar 1f your
th aame alpha code.
please el it replaced by new question book اا
० ‘The question booklet will be sealed at the middle of the right maryin. Candidate should not open the
yuestion booklet, until e indication is given o start answe
'mmencement of the examination, the candidate should check that the question
tion booklet docs not
Tmmediately after |
okler supplied
و لصا (om oF missing pagesand if so he/she should bring it to th
him contains.all the 100 questions in serial order. The g
e notice
have f the Invigilatos
and get it replaced by a complete booklet with same alpha eode This is most important
5. Ablank shect of paper is attached to the question baoklef. This may be used for rough work
5. Please read carefully all the instructions on the reverse of the Answer Sheet before marking
your answers.
10. h question is provided with four choices (A), (B, (C) and (D) having one correct answer. Chaose
orrect iswer and darken the bubble corre
Ball-Point Pert in the OMR Answer Sheet
ப ch correct answer മേ ark and for each wrong answer 1/3 mark will be deducted.
No negative mark 10 d questions.
2 No candidate will be allowed 1o leave the examination hall.till tic end of the session and without
anding over his/lier Answer Sheet 10 1116 Invigilator. Candidntes should ensure that the Invigilator has
verified ull the entries inihe Register Number Coding Sheet andlthat the Invigilator has affixed histher
signature in the space provided
13. ೩0087101115 15 5೫9೮1112. .&/)/ 1738೧/901100 ೦೯ 81101701 1೧ ೮011111111 1113 kind 01
sult in the disqualifieation of the candidate
malpractice in the Examination wi
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