Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'JUNIOR INSTRUCTOR HEALTH SANITARY INSPECTOR INDUSTRIAL TRAINING' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '079/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
India has eliminated which of the following parasitic diseases :
(A) Ancylostomiasis (ए) Ascariasis
(C) Dracunculiasis (0 Trichuriasis
Most efficient vector of Dengue :
(ಯ) Aedes acgypti (18) ಕೊಟಿ albopictus
(ಟಿ) Anopheles stephensi (D) Culex vishnui
Which of the following is a Sophisticated measure of malaria incidence in a community?
(3) Annual blood examination rate (18) Annual parasite index
(0 Parasite rate . (D)Humanbloodindex
For Filaria survey which of the following methods د قا :
(^) Thick film at night (2) Thick film at day
(C) Thin film at night (D) Thin film ar day time
Father of Indian surgery is :
(A} Atreya (0) Susrutha
(C) Charaka (D) Vaghbhatt
Regarding Rabies, under which category does nibbling of uncovered skin come?
{A) Category 1 (B) Category 2
(©) Category 3 (D) Category4
Which of the following must be done for prevention of neonatal tetanus?
(A) Mother should receive 4 doses വ് T'T every alternate month of pregnancy
(3) Mother should receive 2 doses of TT one month apart during pregnancy
(C) 13 should receive 2 doscs of TT in the first month
(D) Baby should receive 3 doses of T'T in the first month
Which of the following disease is not covered under Universal Immunisation Programme?
(ಯ) Hepatitis B (B} Mumps
(C) Diphtheria (D) Measles
Cholera is a disease caused by :
(^) V.choleae 01 (B) V. Cholerae 2
(C) V.cholera O3 (D) V. Cholera 05
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