Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ASSISTANT CHEMIST TRAVANCORE TITANIUM PRODUCTS LIMITED' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '211/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
T'he bond order of O, molecule is :
(^) 9 ® 1 ത (0) 2
1 nanometer ॐ ;
ஙி மா (18) 10 9 (©) 10778. 1) 10-11
Emission of electrons from metal surfaces on exposure Lo radiation is called :
(ಗಿ) Radicactivity ∎ (H)('.nmplxmcffect
(C) Photoelectric effect (D) Zeeman effect
Quantum Theory of Radiation was put forward by :
(५) Max Planck (8) Maxwell (C) Bohr (ப) De Broglie
sAriland oK% are examples of -
(A) மறக (B) Isotones (C) லை (ಐ) Isobars
Expression for average translational kinetic energy of an ideal gas/mole is :
1 ہے - ہے ↿⋅
(^ तष्य ® IR (£, ॐ യു 3 KT
Number of vibrational degrees of freedom of CO, molecule is :
(A) 4 ® 3 م6 5 (0) 1
The number of d-electrons retained in Fe'* (At no. Fe - 26) >
(है) 6 (0) 3 (0) 4 (1) 5
Which of the following has high electron affinity ?
(ക) Flourine (9) Chlorine (८) Nitrogen (1) Oxygen
5 211/2014