Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'SENIOR LECTURER IN PAEDIATRIC SURGERY MEDICAL EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2018. And Question paper code was '030/2018'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
62 LADDs procedure fo malrotation include जा except
Appendicectomy (8) Derotation of intestine
(८ idening of mesentry 00) Fixation of dundenum and caecum
53. Apple peal deformity ور seen in ;
(A) Resolving وديا gioma (8) USG finding in liver trauma
) Type Il ileal atresix യ Aplasia Cygis
64. (जवा period for Surgery in Biliary aresia i up to
(A) 15 லட (B) 30 days () 5days M) 90 days
65. A man is having व discase with X [വു് recessive mode of inheritance Chance that hig
80N getting affected 15
(ಯ) 100% (B) 5೧% (() 25% رت Nit
66. Normal foeta] !rine chemistry - all gre (ഥം except
(A) Sodium 133 meq/dl (B) Chloride 90 meq/dl
(ಲ) Osmolality < 200 1 ೦೫1 Lit തു Beta 2 macroglobulin < 4 meq/di
67, A group of congenital anomalies which arise due to و single event छ known g :
(4) Syndrome ॥ Association ©) Sequence (ए) Cluster
68. All are causes of Primary macroglossia except
(4) Hypothyroidism (B) Lymphagioma
(೮) Hemangiomg (1) Down Syndrome
65. Regarding Choapar Atresia all are സം except ;
(ھ) Mc Goven nipple used
(B) ஊட tracheostomy in case of neonatal asphyoxia
ಲ) Trans nasal and trans Palatal repair
ಈ Periodic dilatation requireq
70. Injury ¢ thoracic vertibra at the level of 4५" thoracic vertibra ൦ ೩೩15೦೮ ;
(A) Right sideq chylothorax (8) 98 ددنت chylothorax
Bilatera] chylothorax (2) Chylous asciteg
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