Related with 'PLUMBER QUESTION' | We found Total 3628 Question paper ..!

‘Aci and iv are true
8:1 and ॥ are true
ois ti and की are true
Deis ti il and iv are true
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question23::Which of the following statements is/are true regarding Vipaka concept in Ayurveda 7
i. Katu-rasa turns to Katu-vipaka,
ii, Katu-rasa, Tiktha-rasa and Kashaya-rasa tums to katu vipaka.
ili, Two types of vipaka accepted by Susrutha are Guru vipaka and Laghu vipaka
iv. Two types of vipaka also accepted by Susrutha are Madhura vip.... See more

Question91::Which of the following is an example of PRAMADHI DRAVYA as per Sarangdhara ?
‘Ac Devadali
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question92:-What is the dose of the plant drug KALAMEGHA (Dried aerial parts) as per Ayurveda Pharmacopeia of India 7
‏3ھ‎ of the drug
B:-2-49 of the drug
6.1.49 ‏اہ‎ the drug
०-2-69 of the drug
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question93:-The Office of the Controller General of P.... See more


Question Paper 6०८९; 11/2022/0L
Category Code: 16/2021

Exam: Assistant Professor in Prasuti and Strirog
Date of Test 25-03-2022

Department ‘Ayurveda Medical Education

Alphacode A

Question2:lleffect of abhyanga during Ritukala the bomchild will suffer from
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question2:-Dosha predominance in Putrakhni according to Acharya Susrutha .... See more

Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
QuestionS0:-According to Acharya Samgadhara Raja is upadatu of
De Meda
Correct Answer: Option ®
QuestionS1:-Chorionic villus sampling is carried out transcervically between
‘Ac13 and 16 weeks
8:22 and 14 weeks
೦-೩0 and 13 weeks
0-9 and 11 weeks
Correct Answer: Option-C
QuestionS2:-Maternal mortality ratio in India during 2016-2018
ಸ-230/00000 liv.... See more

84 and 5
Cel, 2,3 4
5:3, 409 5
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question66:-n a patient diagnosed with PCOS, which of the following is not an indication for surgical management ?
‘Ac Ovarian hyper stimulation
B:-Recurrent pregnancy loss
C-Morbid Obesity
1 |
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question67:-Decidua parietalis is that
‘Aclining uterine cavity outside the site of implantation
Belining that cover blastocyst
Cin contact with base of blast.... See more

12.68 years
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question82:-Asthenospermia refers to
‘AcLow sperm count
B:-No sperm in semen
C:-Abnormal morphology of sperm cells,
പടട motility of sperm cells
Correct Answer:- Option-D
ಟಟ of the following is the most common symptom associated with endometriosis 7
‘A Dysmenorthoea
D-Abnormal vaginal discharge
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question84:-Intially all fibr.... See more

C-Ureaplasma urealyticum
D:-Triponema pallidum
Correct Answer: Option:

‘Question90:-Most common viral strain associated with cervical cancer

Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question91:-Presence of Psammoma bodies is indicative of
‘Ac Syphilis
B:-Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
C-Serous cystadencarcinoma
D-Gonado blastoma
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question92:-Which of the following is nat a component of Bishop's score 7
‘AcCervical length
.... See more


Question Paper 6०८९; 10/2022/0L
Category Code: 225/2023

Exam: Assistant Professor in Shalya Tantra
Date of Test 24-03-2022

Department ‘Ayurveda Medical Education
Alphacode A

Questiont:-According to Sushrutha Samhitha, Varthi made of ash of Gomamsa added with honey and saidhavam used in
‘Ac Shakha gatha Nadivrana
B:-Nadivrana in axilla
C:Koshta gatha nadivrana
D:-Pilonidal sinus
Correct Answer: Option-C.... See more

‘AcBack pain
‏وہای کی‎
D:-Rigidity of back
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question 7:-Scheurmann’s disease is
‘AA rigid kyphosis associated with wedged vertebral bodies usually involving the 7" to 10" thoracic vertebrae, presenting with backache
2:۸ rigid scoliosis associated with wedged vertebral bodies usually involving the 7" to 10" thoracic vertebrae, presenting with backache
CA rigid lordosis associated with wedged vertebral bodies u.... See more

D:-No specific site
Correct Answer: 8

Question33:~"Savye parswe sevaniya va matrena mukthwaavacharayethsastram”. According to Sushrutha, this 15 the site for sastrakarma in

‘Ac Parisraviudaram
Correct Answer: Option-C
ಟಟ of the following is the treatment of "Urdhwa Kaya Bhagna" according to Sushrutha Bhagna Chikitsa ?
नि ‏هروط‎
‎ட்ட ப and Kamapooranam
De-Anuvasana.... See more

Question4:-Schatzkis ring locates
‘AA circular ring in the distal oesophagus, usually seen at squamo columnar junction
8:-8 circular ring in the distal duodenum, usually seen at squamo columnar junction
CA circular ring in the distal jejunum, usually seen at squamo columnar junction
DA circular ring in the distal ileum, usually seen at squamo columnar junction
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question42:-Paterson - Kelly syndrome characterized by the
‘AcClassic triad of.... See more

B:-X-ray lateral view of the ankle - 12 weeks after a vertical fracture of the neck of the talus
ಆ view of the knee joint 6 - 8 weeks after a vertical fracture of the patella
8008 Land 2
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000

QuestionS0::Which one of the following is correct about Proctalgiafugax 7
‏عع ماله تم‎ of severe pain arising in the rectum
B:-Recurring pain at iregular intervals and apparently unrelated to organic disease
C=Pain cramp like often occurs .... See more

C-Condylomata accuminata
8008 Land 2
Correct Answer:- Option-D
‘QuestionS8:-Peyronie's disease is
‏هنتم‎ noncancerous condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue that develops on the penis and causes curved, painful erections
B:-A noncancerous condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue that develops on the prepuce and causes painful erections
‏یھی‎ noncancerous condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue that develops on the glans penis and causes pai.... See more

8008 Land 2
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question66:-Constant mild pain in which Nadivrana, as per Sushrutha Samhitha ?
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question67:-Fracture or dislocation of pelvis, vertebral column, chest and clavicle, the method of treatment adopted in Sustrutha Samhitha
‘Ac Kapata sayanam
C-Same 85 Sirakapala Bhagna Chikitsa
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000.... See more

Question74:-According to Sushrutha Samhitha, severe pain in which Vidradhi 7
டட Option-C
Question75::Which type is immovable, as per Sushrutha Samhitha ?
‘AcNathaja galagandam
B:-Pithaja galagandam
C:Kaphaja galagandam
D-Medaja galagandam
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question76::Which vridhi is hard and which is soft, as per Sushrutha Samhitha ?
‘Ac Rakthaja vridhi and Kaphaja vridhi
B:-Vathaja vridhi.... See more


Question Paper 6०८९; 17/2022/0L
Category Code: 242/2021

Exam: {Assistant Professor in Panchakarma (NCA- SC)
Date of Test 30-03-2022

Department ‘Ayurveda Medical Education

Alphacode A

Question1:~Siramukhai romakoopal dhamanibhischa tarpayeth’. Mentioned in the context of which kriyakrama 7
‘A: Kayasekam with snehadravya
C-Avagaha with snehadravya
Correct Answer: Option-CSee more


Question Paper 0०९; 5420220൨
Category Code: 09772019

Exam: Welfare Organiser
Date of Test 25-03-2022
Department Sainik Welfare
Alphacode A

Questiond:-Consider the three statements
1.015 an even number.
ii. ೩15 8 prime number
॥॥. 2 15 8 rational number.
Which one of the following is true ۶
‘Ac Only iis true
8:1 and कार true
೦1೩0ರ ii are true
D-All the above 1, ॥ and ii are true.... See more

Question21:-The lyrics of that song might the listeners to another world
Accamy off
Be-carry on
एव्म வலு
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question22:-He was much appreciated for his madesty.Choose an antonym for the underlined word from the options given below.
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question23:-Choose the correct sentence.
‘A-One of the lab equipments they bought wa.... See more

Ac Prakriti
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question91::Which of the following is the gold standard method to be offered to all women for emergency contraception 7
‘Ac Morning pill
B:-Levonorgesterol 0.75 mg
C-Combined 0.25 mg Levonorgesteral and 50 micro gm ethinyl estradiol
D=Copper IUD
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question92:-According to vagbhata, Ajeema along with vataprakopa is known as
‏ممع زه هيم�.... See more


Question Paper 6०८९; 16/2022/0L
Category Code: 121/2021

Exam: Assistant professor in Kriya Sharir
Date of Test 27-03-2022

Department ‘Ayurveda Medical Education
Alphacode A

Question1:-Which statements about positive feedback control and negative feedback control is true 7

A:-Positive feedback-initial stimulus produces the responses that depresses the stimuli
Negative feedback-Initial stimulus produces the respo.... See more

D-Neuromuscular sign
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question32:-Clinical condition of S-T segment elevation is seen in
‘AcNentric lar enlargement,
೦-೮೫೫: bundle branch block
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
00500733: க which are responsible for the Soshana of Meda are
‘AcLavana and katu
೦-೪೦೫ 20ರ ശമ
പശ and amla
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question34:-The most appropriate word whi.... See more

D-Loss of memory
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question98:-Incorrect statement regarding secretin is
‘AcIncreases bicarbonate rich pancreatic secretion
പ gastric acid secretion
೦17೦7625 gastric acid secretion
D:-Pyloric sphincter contraction
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question99:-Special submucosal glands which resemble gastric pyloric gland in duodenum are
‘Ac Crypts of Lieberkuhn
B:Vill glands
ഡെ gland
D-Paneth cells

Cor.... See more

8:26 years
‏قد‎ years
०-५॥ of the above
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question 7:~"Mudga’ is the female as per Haritha Samhitha
‘Ac Upto 17 years
B:-Upto 18 years
ധം 19 years
D-Upto 20 years
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question18:-According to Acharya Kashyapa, garbha becomes ‘sthira’ by
‏قسنم‎ months
B:-4 months
C5 months
D6 months
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question19:~Garbhopakramam’ is included under the.... See more

Question4:-The expected weight of fetus at 28 weeks of gestation
‘8-800 gm
B:-1000 gm
یق٥٥‎ gm
5:2400 gm

Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled

‘Question42:~'Budhimedhaasmrutikaram baalaanaam cha anga vardhanam' which formulation is mentioned

‎ghritam‏ تسم هيم
‎பட்ட ghritam‏
‎(C-Mahapaisaachika ghritam‏
‎D-Rejanyaadi choomam‏
‎Correct Answer: Option-C‏
‎Question43:-Which is not an i.... See more

Question Paper Code:
Category Code:
Date of Test
Questiont:-Classification of disease as four.
‘Ac Rakthapitta
‎Correct Answer: Option ®
Question2:-Vyanjana is @ synonym of

Correct Answer: Option-C



Assistant professor in Kayachikitsa
2.... See more

Question8:-Considering Patients digestive systems under the Pariksha
‏ماقا تتم‎ pariksha
B:-Dasa Vidhapariksha
D-None of the above
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question®:-Pittakasa thanu Kapha which panchakarma 15 beneficial
D-None of the above
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question10:-Asantho kruthasamsudher dhommair leenam malam hareth is correct in
‎C.... See more