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Question Paper 6०८९; 88/2022/0L
Category Code: 568/2027.

Exam: Pharamacist Grade I
Date of Test 27-10-2022
Department Health Services
Alphacode A

Question1:-Sealed ampoules containing a thermostable drug solution are commonly sterilised by
‘Ac Hot air oven
CeMicrowave oven
D-UV Chamber
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question2:-The most common method used for sterilisation of vaccines among is
See more

D-Spare parts
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question75:-The time period between placing an order and receipt in stock is known as
‘AcLead time
B:-Shortage time
C-Over time
D-Carrying time
Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question76:-The second step in selling process is
‘Ac Pre-scale preparation
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question77:-The colours have attention value in the following order for window display is
‘Ac.... See more


Question Paper Code: 87/2022/0L

Category Code: 593/2021

Exam: Assistant Professor in Microbiology
Date of Test 26-10-2022

Department Medical Education

Alphacode A

Question2:-Electron microscope was invented by
‘A-Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
B:-Emst Ruska
C=Peyton Rous
D-Stanley Prusiner
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question2::Which of the following transport mechanisms in bacteria functions without ene.... See more

Question:-The time interval between 2 90 degree pulses in MR image acquisition is

Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question®:-In a CT image, each square in the image matrix is called
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question10:~Characteristics curve’ depicts relationship between
‘Acpower and amplitude
B:-frequency and wavelength
C=pitch and distance
Dexposure and density
Correct .... See more

Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled

Question19:-Let f: R = R bea Lebesgue measurable function and Ec R be a measurable set. Choose the correct statement from the following:

then m(E)=0

പേട ಯದ

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer: Option-D

Question20:-Let : R° = A be defined by f(xyl=(cty, xy), choose the correct statement from the following:
A-Df(0,0) does not exist

B:-D1(0,0) exists and is invertible

C-Df(0,0) .... See more

Correct Answer: Option-D
Question42:-If [X,2] is Housdorff and X is finite, then 2 15 the
AcDiscrate topology
B:-Co-infinite topology
C-Finite topology
D:-All of these
Correct Answer: Option:

Questions3:-The conjugate of 1+i with respect to the circle ‏دعر‎

Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled

500/44: wav" are the complex cube rocts of unity, then (x_yy(x_wy)(x_w'y)See more

Dryas [ray
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question64:-Any prime of the form 3n+1is also of the form
Correct Answer: Option B

‘Question65:-What is the remainder when the sum 1°,2° 3°... 499°, 100° is divided by 4

Correct Answer: Option:

Question66:-Solution of the congruence equation x = I( mod 3),x= (mod 5),x= (mod 7) is

‘-32(mod 105)
B:-42(mod 105)
C52(mod 105)
D-62(mod 105.... See more


Question Paper 6०८९; 79/2022/0L
Category Code: 033/2022

Exam: Agricultural Officer (SR for SC/ST)

Date of Test 28-09-2022

Department Agriculture Development and Farmers Welfare
Alphacode A

Question: -The soll water potential at field capacity is
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question2:-The element that is involved in the reduction of nitrate to nitrite is
ക�.... See more


Question Paper Code: 76/2022/0L
Category Code: 395/2019

Exam: Chair Side Assistant
Date of Test 25-09-2022
Department Medical Education
Alphacode A

‘Question: Which of the following type of mucosa characterises attached gingiva ?
Correct Answer: Option-D
Question2::Which of the following muscles is not an elevator of the mandible ?
B:-MasseterSee more

Question16:-Series of sounds the nurse listens when assessing the blood pressure
B:-Muffled sound
C=Korotkoff sound
D-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question 7:-A nurse is documenting a BP of 120/80 mm of Hg. This 120 represent
‘AcPulse rate
B:-Diastolic BP
D:-Systolic BP
Correct Answer:- Option-D
‘Question18:-The sense used by the nurse when palpating a body structure
‘Ac Hearing
பகி�.... See more

andE, =2€

Correct Answer:- Option 8
Question?:-For any given vector 3. [ठ 7.7)

AQIS? ಡಸ್‌ ‏اخ ہی‎ 9


8:23 tA yy A



Correct Answer:- Option-C
‘Question8:-Which among the following statements are correct?
(i) The eigen values of a Hermitian operator are real
(i) Eigenfunctions belonging to distinct eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator are orthogonal
(ii) The setof all.... See more

൭ The susceptibility at high temperature varies as vw 7”

(i) As T= 0, the susceptibility is independent of temperature
Aci) and (i) are correct
8:-() and (ili) are correct
Coil) and (ii) are correct
0:21 are correct
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question33:-For an ideal Bose gas at 7. , the deviation in energy from the corresponding classical value is about
‎Correct Answer:- Option-C

‘Question34.... See more


Question Paper 6०८९; 59/20220/
Category Code: 292/2020

Exam: Higher Secondary Schoo! Teacher (Junior) Botany
Date of Test 04-08-2022

Department Kerala Higher Secondary Education

Alphacode A

Question2:-n pinus male and female cone occurs on
‘A: Different plants
B:-Same branch of a plant
C-Different branches of the same plant
D-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question2:-The pollination.... See more

Be-Article 17
CeArticle 18
De-Article 24
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question89:-In 2011, an expert committee was formed to assess the draft law regarding food security who was the Chairman?
AcDr. MS, Swaminathan
B:-Madhav Gadgil
C=Dr. Kasturin Rangan
‏ميم‎ Rangarajan
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question90:~Vishaka Guidelines' is related to
‘As Protection of women from domestic violence
B:-Dowry prohibition
பொர sexual Harassment of .... See more


Question Paper Code: 62/2022/0L

Category Code: 004/2022.

Exam: Assistant Professor in Biochemistry
Date of Test 11-08-2022

Department Medical Education

Alphacode A

Question: Which of the following statements is/are correct about RAST?
(i). It measures IgE antibodies in the serum

(il) tt is scored from 0 to 6

(il) eis the same as the skin prick test

കാബ (i
Only (i) and (i)

.... See more

‘Ac Proline
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
‘Question16::Which term represents the number of substrate molecules that can be converted to product by a single enzyme molecule per unit time?
C-Specific activity
D:Tumover number
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question 7:-Which of the following is used to bombard the sample in Mass spectrometry?
‘Ac Proton
D-Gamm.... See more

Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question32:-Non- probability is also known as

‘AcSimple random sampling

B:-Systematic sampling

Stratified sampling

D-Deliberate sampling

Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question33:-Precision is the closeness of a

Acrepeated measurements

B:-reported measurements

Ceaccurate measurements

D:-Largest measurements

Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question34:-The expression of .... See more

Bs Riboflavin
C=Pantothenic acid
D-Folic acid
Correct Answer:- Option-é
QuestionS7-All the following features are true regarding kwashiorkor EXCEPT.
AcAge of onsetis 1-5 years
B:-Serum albumin is less than 29101.
படுற and atrophic skin
D-Serum cortisol is increased
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
QuestionS8::Which of the following vector carries the risk of insertional mutagenesis when used in gene therapy?
Ac Retroviruses
B:-Adenovirus.... See more


Question Paper Code: 56/20220/
Category Code: 732/2023

Exam: Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) in Economics
Date of Test 30-07-2022

Department Kerala Higher Secondary Education

Alphacode A

Question1:-Nerlove's stock-adjust ment principle states that


‘There is a desired level of durables which is determined by the current level of income
‘The Consumer cannot immediately acquire .... See more

B:-Withdrawing behaviour
CeAnxiety and tension
D-Oppressive behaviour
Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question80::Which of the following in your opinion is the most desirable abilty of an efficient teacher?
AcAbility to generate friendship and admiration with students
B:-Provide goal-oriented leaming experiences
C-Skill to dramatize learning situation
D:-Ability to explain the learning materials ina simple manner

Correct Answer: Option ®

‘Question .... See more

Questions:-In Tiacylglycerol synthesis, which among the following pathway is nat used
‘Ac Monoacyl glycerol pathway
B:-Glyoxylate pathway
C:Kennedy pathway
D-Glycerol 3-phosphate pathway
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question®:-Name the regulatory enzyme, that regulates the biosynthesis of cholesterol and serves as the druggable target, for the reduction of hyper cholesterolemia
AcHMG - CoA synthase
B:-HMG - CoA reductase
C:Cholesterol synthase
D-Lanostera.... See more

‘Question73::Which of the following statements are related with models?
(i) Non-projected aid

0) Depends on multiple sense

(ii) Concrete representation of an object

(iv) Depends on single sense

(४) Threedimensional aid

Aci). (il (11) 2೧ರ (1)

8:10), (1), (11) and (v)
೦-0, 00, (1) 86 (1)
0-டு, (ii), (iv) and (v)

Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
व term problem children is generally used to describe chil.... See more


Question Paper 0०८९; 69/2022/0L
Category Code: 382/2020

Exam: High School Teacher Social Science (Malayalam Medium) (By Transfer)
Date of Test 19-08-2022

Department Education

Alphacode A

Question:-Who is the first President of Yogakshema Sabha’?
‘ACMA. Bhattathiripad
B:-Mannathu Padmanabha Pillai
C-Desamangalathu Sankaran Namboothiripad
0-0 Palpu
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question2::Who is the.... See more

Questions:-First reservoir developed scientifically in india is
‘Gandhi Sagar
D:Gobind Sagar
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question®:-Cultured based captured fishery is best suitable based on stock management
AcLarge reservoir
B:-Medium reservoir
C:Small reservoir
D:-Lotic water bodies
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question10::Which of the following family showed synchronous hermaphroditism ?
‘A: Centropomidae
B:-Serra.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option-D
QuestionS8:-The first parthenogenetic cleavage of the fertilized egg of Indian major carp starts within
೩5-20 min, of spawning
8:-10-12 min, of spawning
C-6-8 min. of spawning
Di-< 1 min, of spawning
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question59::Which one of the following is popularly known as "Thai magur' 7
‘AcWallago attu
Brletalurus punctatus
ദ്ധ batrachus
D-Clarius gariepinus
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Qu.... See more


Question Paper 6०८९; $2/2022/0L
Category Code: 492/2029

Exam: Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) in Psychology
Date of Test 26-07-2022

Department Kerala Higher Secondary Education

Alphacode A

Questiont:-According to Guilford which one of the following is primary identifying feature of creativity?
‘A-Convergent Thinking
B:-Divergent Thinking
C:Heuristic Thinking
ವ: and Error
Correct Answer:- .... See more