Related with 'SURVEY AND LAND RECORDS' | We found Total 20907 Question paper ..!

1. Which statement about the alluvial soil is not correct?

(i) They are depositional soils transported by rivers.

(ii) These soils cover about 40 percent of the total land area.

(iii) They are generally rich in Potash and Lime.

(A) i and ii (B) ii and iii

(C) i and iii (D) None of the above
2. The largest sandstone cave in the world 'Krem Puri’ is in

(A) Assam (B) Himachal Pradesh

(C) Meghalaya (D) Maharashtra

3. The p.... See more







The system y(t) = x" (t) is:
(A) Linear and non invertible (B) Non linear and non invertible
(C) Linear and invertible (D) Non linear and invertible

A 125 V, 50 Hz, single phase transformer has rated eddy current loss of 125 W. If the
transformer is operated from 200 V, 40 Hz supply mains, then new eddy current loss is :

(A) 125 W (B) 160W
(0) 2508 (D) 320W

A 500 kVA transform.... See more










If two capacitors C1 and C2 are connected in series. Then the value of effective
capacitance should be

A) Greater than C1 and C2 B) Less than C1 and C2
C) Greater than C1 but less than C2 D) In between C1 and C2

From the given statements choose the correct one which are related to law of
resistance ?

|. Resistance is directly proportional .... See more

160/23 -M

7. Which of these are landforms formed by the erosional action of underground water ?
i. Polje
ர்‌. Doline
iii, Huns

iv. Drapes
A) i and ii only B) i, ii and iii only
C) i, ii and iv only D) All the above

8. Which of the following statements about the Kuroshio ocean current system are true ?
i. They consist of warm ocean currents
ர்‌. They flow along the coast of Philippines, Japan and China
iii. They derive energy .... See more




National Centre for Organic and Natural Farming is located at :
(A) Karnal (B) Ghaziabad
(C) Hyderabad (D) Kanpur

Given below are two statements :

Statement I: Crop associated weeds are crop specific due to mimicry, need for specific micro
climate and ready contamination with the crops.

Statement II: Crop associated weeds are parasitic in nature.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
.... See more

21. Universal soil loss equation Q=R * 1९ * 1, * 8 * ¢ * P. Where, Q is the predicted annual soil
loss, and * is the multiplication symbol. Considering the other symbols, which of the
following statement/statements is or are true?




R = rainfall erosivity, K = soil erodibility, L = slope length, S = slope gradient or
steepness, C = Cover, management and P = erosion-control practices

R = total rainfall, K = soil texture, L = sl.... See more

C-Obesity after menopause
Ds Early menopause
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question75:-R'S cells are signature neoplastic cells of
‘As Classic non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
B:-Classie Hodgkin's lymphoma
CChronic myeloid leukemia
D-Acute myeloblastic leukemia
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question76:-Rectum is approximately in length,
8:20 1023 ‏د‎
‎22035 ೦೫
0:25 (028 ला
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question77:-Cancer registry .... See more

Question47:-The various processes involved in a particular thermodynamic cycle are reversible adiabatic compression, constant volume heat addition, constant pressure heat addition,
reversible adiabatic expansion and constant volume heat rejection. Identify the cycle,

AcBrayton cycle
B:-Otto cycle
C-Diesel cycle
D-Dual cycle
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question48:-The difference in higher calorific value and lower calorific value of fuel is due to
‘A: Latent h.... See more

‘AcOnly Land 2 are correct
B:-Only 2 and 3 are correct
C-Only 1 and 3 are correct
D-All statements are correct
Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question70:-According to Sangam sources, Chola Territory was situated between two rivers namely
‘ACauvery and Palar
B:-Pennar and Bhavani
C:Pennar and Velar
D-Ponnaiyar and Cheyyar river
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question71::Which of the following types of reliability is suitable while we need an estimate of inte.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question92:-How many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been agreed to, by all the world's nations, as part of
the 2030 Agenda?

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question93:-Equality issues are specifically mentioned in how many of the Sustainable Development Goals (not including
the targets)?

A:-In two of them : Goal 6 on water, and Goal 12 on sustainable production and consumption
.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question84:-Human activities that affect the ecosystem
C:-Land conversion
D:-All of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question85:-The condition of the atmosphere at a particular place over a short period of time
D:-Thermal comfort
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question86:-The condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the environment and is assesse.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question65:-"Our greatest need today is to see life as whole, to see its many sides in their proper relations; but we must
have a practical as well as a philosophical interest in such an integrated view of Whose quote is this?
A:-Le Corbusier
B:-Ebenezer Howard
C:-Patric Geddes
D:-Richard Barry Parker
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question66:-Which among the following is not a principle associated with Garden City Concept?<.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question78:-Climatic clarification based on moisture index, seasonal variation in rainfall, humidity index and aridity index
was proposed by
D:-Thomthwaite and Mather
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question79:-The upper limit of available moisture for plants is given by the soil moisture constant,
A:-maximum water holding capacity
B:-field capacity
C:-permanent wilting.... See more









Pott’s disease involves :
(ಉ Brain (B) Spinal cord
(0) Liver (D) Hip

In Ziehl-Neelsen staining of sputum for AFB, 2++ is graded if there are :
(¢) 1-9 AFB per 100 oil immersion fields
(® 1-10 AFB per oil immersion field
(0 10-99 AFB per 100 oil immersion fields
@) More than 10 AFB per oil immersion field

Duration of treatment for TB under RNTCP f.... See more

016/2020 - M


“By and large land reforms in India enacted so far and those contemplated in the near future
... are in the right direction; and yet due to lack of implementation the actual results are far
from satisfactory”. This is the view of :

(ಹ) BS. Sidhu (B) M.L. Dantwala

(ಲ) Venkatasubbiah (D) VS. Vyas

State the correct answer.

A unique objective of the Fighth Plan is :

(ಹ) Achieving self-sufficiency in food.... See more

016/2020 - T


“By and large land reforms in India enacted so far and those contemplated in the near future
... are in the right direction; and yet due to lack of implementation the actual results are far
from satisfactory”. This is the view of :

(ಹ) BS. Sidhu (B) M.L. Dantwala

(ಲ) Venkatasubbiah (D) VS. Vyas

State the correct answer.

A unique objective of the Fighth Plan is :

(ಹ) Achieving self-sufficiency in food.... See more

016/2020 - K


“By and large land reforms in India enacted so far and those contemplated in the near future
... are in the right direction; and yet due to lack of implementation the actual results are far
from satisfactory”. This is the view of :

(ಹ) BS. Sidhu (B) M.L. Dantwala

(ಲ) Venkatasubbiah (D) VS. Vyas

State the correct answer.

A unique objective of the Fighth Plan is :

(ಹ) Achieving self-sufficiency in food.... See more












The power of increasing the number of judges in the Supreme Court of India is vested in
A) The Parliament of India B) The President of India
C) The Chief Justice of India D) The Prime Minister of India

Which Articles of Indian Constitution deal with Right to Equality ?
A) Article 14 only

B) Article 14 and Article 15
See more

Question23:-Which one of the following options is correct with respect to the advantages of CIP system over manual
cleaning and sanitization of dairy equipments ?
i) All equipments receive uniform treatment day after day
ii) Less damage to equipments
11) Reduces possibility of contamination through human error
iv) The clean-up cost is higher
A:-All statements are true

B:-Only (i), (ii) are true
C:-Only (1), (1) and (iii) are true
D:-Only (i), (iii) and (i.... See more

Question67:-Astigmatism can be corrected using
‘AcGylindrical lens
B:-Convex lens
೦೦೦೧೭೫೪೬ lens
D:-Bifocal lens
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question68:-In the modern periodic table, the period indicates the value of
‘AcAtomic number
B:-Atomic mass
೦91೧೮021 Quantum number
D-Azimuthal Quantum number
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000

Question69::Which of the following statements is incorrect in relation to ironization enthalpy 7.... See more

Question67:-Astigmatism can be corrected using
‘AcGylindrical lens
B:-Convex lens
೦೦೦೧೭೫೪೬ lens
D:-Bifocal lens
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question68:-In the modern periodic table, the period indicates the value of
‘AcAtomic number
B:-Atomic mass
೦91೧೮021 Quantum number
D-Azimuthal Quantum number
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000

Question69::Which of the following statements is incorrect in relation to ironization enthalpy 7.... See more

128/22 — > |
27. Which among the following dows not come under Category. of Hydro Meteorological |
disaster under the Disaster Management ग्ज 2010, Government of Kerala ?
A) Flood B) Lightning C) Cyclone D) Tsunami
28. Which of the following Statements is/are Sorrect about State Institute of Rural
Development in Kerala ?

| The objective of State Institute of Rural Development in Kerala is to impart 0
to various Official and Non-officia) functionari.... See more

2 4



Hot objects including human bodies give off some Heat In the form’of
rays, which Is used in night vision goggles.

A) Ultra-Violet 8) Intra-Red GC) Raman D) Microwave
Rain drops doesn't hurt the human éven though itis expected (o travel many
kilometres with acceleration due to gravity because
A) Rain drop isso small to’ harm human
B) It is cooler than our body temperature
C) Of Bernoulli's principleSee more







A point where catch or the harvest of fish is just equal to the growth of the stock of fish,
which is both sustainable and at a harvest level that generates the largest possible catch is
termed as :

(A) Maximum Economic Yield (B) Maximum Obtainable Yield

(C) Maximum Sustainable Yield (D) Maximum Marginal Yield
Legislation is defined as :

(ಯ). Act of making laws (B) Act of proce.... See more











Following statements are connected with Cooperative Movement in Germany.
Choose the correct answer from the following.

i. Limited liability is the feature of Raiffeisen Society.

ii. ‘Principles of Cooperative Banking’ is written by F. W. Raiffeisen.

iii. Each for all and all for each is the theme of cooperation initiated by Schulz.... See more











Find out true statement from the following.

A) Oligosaccharides are condensation products of more than ten monosaccharides.
B) Inulin is a fructose polymer.

C) Galactose is the precursor for synthesis of ribose.

D) Heptose is a polysaccharide.

Identify the bacterium chiefly responsible for the leaching of metal sulphides.See more