Related with 'SURVEY AND LAND RECORDS' | We found Total 20907 Question paper ..!

‘Ac Madhyama dravyas
B:-Kathina dravyas
೦-800 Land 2
D-Athyanthaa kathina dravyas
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question80:-As per Hareetha Samhitha, the type of kwatha that requires only boiling is

Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question81:-The ratio of drug to water in the preparation of Shadanga paniya is
‏مھ‎ 64
8-4: 16
‏مم دی‎
Dei: 16
Correct Answer: Option-C

Question82:-Stat.... See more

‘Ack. Kelappan
8:-7. Krishanapilla
‏ا :کی‎ Madhavam
DA. K. Gopalan
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question46:-The word "Magyars" associated to which country 7
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question47:-Koderma, in narkhand, is the leading producer of which one of the following minerals
‎Correct Answer: Option-C

Question48:-Based on the informati.... See more







Which of the following is not correct related to purpose of an office?

1. To collect and transmit information

11. To direct, control and co-ordinate the activities of various departments
111. To plan the policies of the business and ensure their implementation

IV. To provide loans and advances for operations of the business

(A) 11 ௫ 1 ೫೫4111
© ग (0) Land III

See more

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question15:-Which of the following statements is/are correct about Dam-site

i. A water-tight basin of adequate size

ii. A narrow outlet of basin

iii. Opportunity to build an adequate and safe spillway to carry surplus waters

A:-only (ii and iii)

B:-only (i and iii)

C:-all of the above (i, ii and iii)
D:-only (i and ii)

Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question16:-A mass of ice o.... See more

Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
‘Question76::Which of the following is/are not involved in color vision?
(i) Activation of a pathway that signals the difference between S cone responses and the sum of Land M cone responses
மி) Geniculate layers 3-6
(10 P-Pathwah
(iv) Area V3A of visula cortex
A-Only (i)
8:-011 (ii and ii)
D:-Only (iv)
Correct Answer: Option-D
Question77::Which of the following is/are correct statement about Olfacto.... See more

D-Phanta kalpana
Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question31:-The correct statement regarding preservatives is
‘As Preservatives should be effective against selected organisms anticipated in the formulation
B:-Preservatives should interact with the ingredients of the medicinal formulations so as to impart a positive effect to the body
Preservatives should have a pleasant odour and taste
D:-Preservatives should remain stable throughout the shelf lfe of the product under preser.... See more

‘Ac Madhyama dravyas
B:-Kathina dravyas
೦-800 Land 2
D-Athyanthaa kathina dravyas
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question80:-As per Hareetha Samhitha, the type of kwatha that requires only boiling is

Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question81:-The ratio of drug to water in the preparation of Shadanga paniya is
‏مھ‎ 4
8-4: 16
‏مم دی‎
Dei: 16
Correct Answer:- Option-C

(Question82.... See more

‘Ack. Kelappan
Bs. Krishanapilla
Co. K. Madhavam
DA. K. Gopalan
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question46:-The word "Magyars" associated to which country 7
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question47:-Koderma, in narkhand, is the leading producer of which one of the following minerals,
Bs-lron ore
‏ممع نه‎
Correct Answer:- Option-C

‘Question48:-Based .... See more

Question90:-In a case of brachial plexus injury, if you get all the modalities of triple response to histamine over an insensitive dermatome the lesion is then
‘Ac Preganglionic
C-Neither of the two
DeBoth Land 2
Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question91:-n the early stages of a case of syringomyelia, over the affected area the patient will be able to appreciate
ಹಿಂ pricks
B:-hot objects
Colight touch
Dnone of these
Correct Answer.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question47:-Which among the following devices operates only used in physical layer?
A:-Two layer switch
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question48:-SEAL (Simple and Efficient Adaptation Layer) is associated with which AAL sub layer of ATM technology?
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question49:-Which among the following is port number of TELNET Server?
൧:-21See more

الا انا "۱" 107/2017











The deficiency disease which ೦೩೧ 06 avoided by consuming citrus fruits is
A) Scurvy B) Beriberi C) Night blindness D) Rickets

The organ systems concemed with control and coordination of body functions are
A) Nervous system and Respiratory system

B) Circulatory system and Endocrine system

C) .... See more










An electric heater draws 3.5 A from a 110 V source. The resistance of the heating element is
approximately :
(A) 385 Ohms (B) 38.5 ೦೧೫೬ (C) 3.1 Ohms (D) 31 Ohms

Thevenin resistance is found by :
(ക) Shorting all voltage sources and opening all current sources
(8) Opening all current sources
(C) Shorting all voltage sources
(D) Opening all.... See more







Amendment to which of the following Parts/Chapters of the Constitution require ratification
by more than one-half of the States ?
i) ۳۵۲ - |1| : Fundamental Rights
ii) Chapter - ۱۷ of ‏لاوم‎ : Union Judiciary
iii) Chapter - ४/ of Part - VI: State Judiciary
iv) Chapter - VI of Part— VI: Subordinate courts
Select the correct answer using the code given below :
A) All the Par.... See more


Question Paper 6०८९; 10/2022/0L
Category Code: 225/2023

Exam: Assistant Professor in Shalya Tantra
Date of Test 24-03-2022

Department ‘Ayurveda Medical Education
Alphacode A

Questiont:-According to Sushrutha Samhitha, Varthi made of ash of Gomamsa added with honey and saidhavam used in
‘Ac Shakha gatha Nadivrana
B:-Nadivrana in axilla
C:Koshta gatha nadivrana
D:-Pilonidal sinus
Correct Answer: Op.... See more


Question Paper 6०८९; 10/2022/0L
Category Code: 225/2023

Exam: Assistant Professor in Shalya Tantra
Date of Test 24-03-2022

Department ‘Ayurveda Medical Education
Alphacode A

Questiont:-According to Sushrutha Samhitha, Varthi made of ash of Gomamsa added with honey and saidhavam used in
‘Ac Shakha gatha Nadivrana
B:-Nadivrana in axilla
C:Koshta gatha nadivrana
D:-Pilonidal sinus
Correct Answer: Option-C.... See more

கடினம்‌, ۱۱۷ and IV are true
B:-Only statement ‏وأ الا‎ true
മനസ്‌ 12೧ರ Ill are true
0:41 statements are all false
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question46:-Among the following statements, find out the factors for the genesis of culture as viewed by Ibn Khaldun.
1: Physical factors like food, shelter, climate and other materials needs.
Il. Revolutions lead by the intelligentsia.
IM, An abstract idea like solidarity and harmony.See more

கடினம்‌, ۱۱۷ and IV are true
B:-Only statement ‏وأ الا‎ true
മനസ്‌ 12೧ರ Ill are true
0:41 statements are all false
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question46:-Among the following statements, find out the factors for the genesis of culture as viewed by Ibn Khaldun.
1: Physical factors like food, shelter, climate and other materials needs.
Il. Revolutions lead by the intelligentsia.
IM, An abstract idea like solidarity and harmony.See more

D:-Oil taning and chrome taning
Correct Answer: Option-C

Question76:-State whether the following statements about fermentation are not correct:

1. Fermentation is the only process for synthesizing some complex compounds.

11. Unwanted components cannot be removed from the process.

IM. ॥ works under high drastic and economic conditions compared to chemical process.
A:Only land ॥
B:-Only ॥ 2೧ರ Il
D:-All of the above
Correct An.... See more


= of Questions : 20

Time : 2.00 Hours Max. Marks : 100



. The quality of research depends on the Analytical stage. Substantiate. ~ (3 Marks)
. Do you agree with the term ‘Neolithic Revolution’ ? Substantiate. 56 (3 Marks)
. How do you explain the frequeny dynastic changes under the Delhi Sulthanate and the dynastic
stability under the Mughals ? (3 Marks)
‏۔‎ What role did Subash Chandra Bose Play in the Freedom S.... See more

037/23 - ॥॥





Consider the following statements.
i) Trade winds blow from subtropical high-pressure belt to equatorial low-pressure belt.
ii) The land and sea breeze are examples of trade winds.

iii) Trade winds blow steadily in the same direction and in a constant course.

iv) Trade winds are best developed in the polar regions.

Which of the above mentioned statements is/are correct ?

A) (i.... See more







Let Gbe an infinite cyclic group. Then number of generators of Gis
(A) 1 (B) Infinite
(0) (D) 3


Number of elements of order 6 is S,
(A) 240 (B) 360
© 120 (D) 720

Let Gbe a group of order 15. Then the number of Sylow subgroups of Gof order 3 is
(A) 0 (B) 1
(0 8 त) 5

The number of elements of order 5 in the group Z15 x Zs
(A) 16 (B) 24
(0 8 (D) 4See more

Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question92:-How many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been agreed to, by all the world's nations, as part of
the 2030 Agenda?
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question93:-Equality issues are specifically mentioned in how many of the Sustainable Development Goals (not including
the targets)?
A:-In two of them : Goal 6 on water, and Goal 12 on sustainable production and consumption
B:-In three of them : .... See more

‘AcOnly Land 2 are correct
B:-Only 2 and 3 are correct
C-Only 1 and 3 are correct
D-All statements are correct
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question70:-According to Sangam sources, Chola Territory was situated between two rivers namely
‘A-Cauvery and Palar
B:-Pennar and Bhavani
பரினாம and Velar
D-Ponnaiyar and Cheyyar river
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question71::Which of the following types of reliability is suitable while we need an estima.... See more

‘Question47:-The various processes involved in a particular thermodynamic cycle are reversible adiabatic compression, constant volume heat addition, constant pressure heat addition,
reversible adiabatic expansion and constant volume heat rejection. Identify the cycle.

AcBrayton cycle
B:-Otto cycle
ರಜ cycle
०-०८०। cycle
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question48:-The difference in higher calorific value and lower calorific value of fuel is due to
‘.... See more

C-Obesity after menopause
Ds Early menopause
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question75:-R'S cells are signature neoplastic cells of
‘AcClassic non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
B:-Classic Hodgkin's lymphoma
CChronic myeloid leukemia
D-Acute myeloblastic leukemia
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question76:-Rectum is approximately in length.
8:20 1023 cm
221035 em
0:15 (028 ‏د‎
‎டட Option-C
Question77:-Cancer registry in India under ICMR.... See more

1. Which statement about the alluvial soil is not correct?

(i) They are depositional soils transported by rivers.

(ii) These soils cover about 40 percent of the total land area.

(iii) They are generally rich in Potash and Lime.

(A) i and ii (B) ii and iii

(C) i and iii (D) None of the above
2. The largest sandstone cave in the world 'Krem Puri’ is in

(A) Assam (B) Himachal Pradesh

(C) Meghalaya (D) Maharashtra

3. The p.... See more