Related with 'SURVEY AND LAND RECORDS' | We found Total 20907 Question paper ..!


47. With reference to the ‘Planetary Boundaries’ concept for sustainable development, consider
the following statements :
1. It is a doughnut shaped conceptual model having both social and planetary boundaries.
2. Planetary boundaries consist of nine specified boundaries including climate change and
ocean acidification whereas social boundaries consist of job, voice, gender equality etc.
‘or societal development.

3. The space between social and.... See more


47. With reference to the ‘Planetary Boundaries’ concept for sustainable development, consider
the following statements :
1. It is a doughnut shaped conceptual model having both social and planetary boundaries.
2. Planetary boundaries consist of nine specified boundaries including climate change and
ocean acidification whereas social boundaries consist of job, voice, gender equality etc.
‘or societal development.
3. The space between social and plan.... See more




~ Asperthe Urban and Regional Development Plan Formulation and Implementation (URDPFI)

Guidelines, 2015, choose the correct hierarchy of plans from higher to lower order.
A) Zonal Plan, Development Plan, Regional Plan, Perspective Plan
B) Perspective Plan, Regional Plan, Development Plan, Zonal Plan
C) Regional Plan, Perspective Plan, Zonal Plan, Development Plan
D) Regional Plan, Perspective Plan, Development Plan, Zonal PlanSee more


16. Of the following which is not a major area of work related to the Department of
Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM) that comes under the Union
Finance Ministry ?

|. Strategic Disinvestment,
I, Recapitalization of Public Sector Banks.
lll. Minority Stake Sales.
IV. Asset Monetization,
A) Only (I and Ill) B) Only (II and Iv)
C)-Only (6 D) Only (Iv)

17. Of the following which is/are not included in the list of centr.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question15:-The minimum area required for a quality control section as per GMP for Ayurvedic drug manufacturing
18250 square feet
B:-200 square feet
೦-500 square feet
D150 square feet
Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question16:-A person marketing a herbal powder (the drug has no proven anticancer properties) claiming that the drug is very effective in curing cancer. The person is violating

A:-Section 3 of .... See more









Research design that use and mix both qualitative and quantitative data or methods is :
(வ) Multi-method Design (B) Mixed method Design
(ಲ) Historical Design (D) Experimental Design

focuses on the possible relationship between two or more variables.
(ಹಿ) Hypothesis (8 Assumption
(C) Proposition (D) Informed proposition

The preamble to the Constitution .... See more

Question60::Which of the following is nat an item under section 2 (22) of the customs Act?
AcNessels, aircrafts and vehicles
B:-Stores and Baggage
C:Currency and negotiable instruments
D-Immovable properties such as land and building
Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question61::What is the purpose of a multiple regression?
கரல predict scores on an independent variable from scores on multiple dependent variables
छा predict scores on a dependent variable fro.... See more

Question60::Which of the following is nat an item under section 2 (22) of the customs Act?
AcNessels, aircrafts and vehicles
B:-Stores and Baggage
C:Currency and negotiable instruments
D-Immovable properties such as land and building
Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question61::What is the purpose of a multiple regression?
கரல predict scores on an independent variable from scores on multiple dependent variables
छा predict scores on a dependent variable fro.... See more






Which of the statement(s) is / are correct to Research report?


Popular report explains the methods and methodology used for completing the research
Presents the conclusion of the study after findings but before Recommendations
Prefatory pages are not mandatory to a technical report

(A) Only (ii) (B) Only (i) and (iii)

(C) Only Gii) (1) Allare correct (i), (ii) and (iii.... See more

C:Both deduction from sales and addition to closing stock
D-None of these
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question69:-One of the advantage of accounting is
[AcAssists in management
B:-Record of cost
೦-800 Land 2
D-None of these
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question70:-Amount received out of joint lfe policy on the death of @ partner is
‘Ac Debited to profit and loss account
B:-Credited to profit and loss account
C=Debited to joint life policy accountSee more

D:-Statement | and Ill
Correct Answer: Option:

Question52:-Match Column A with B
0 0
1. 01 Khaldun a. Tadhkirat al-huffaz
2.AlMaqrizi . மதி Tarikh al-bahir
3. Al Dhahabi © Kitab al Suluk
4. Ibn ab-Athir 4. Shifa al sai litahdhib

/) 2a, 3b, 4-6
நடந்‌, २-८, 34, 4-2
Cola, 24, 3b, 4-८
Ded, २-८, 3a, 4b

Correct Answer: Option-D

‘Question53:-Among the following, find out the forms of historiography exis.... See more

D:-Statement | and Ill
Correct Answer: Option:

Question52:-Match Column A with B
0 0
1. 01 Khaldun a. Tadhkirat al-huffaz
2.AlMaqrizi . மதி Tarikh al-bahir
3. Al Dhahabi © Kitab al Suluk
4. Ibn ab-Athir 4. Shifa al sai litahdhib

/) 2a, 3b, 4-6
நடந்‌, २-८, 34, 4-2
Cola, 24, 3b, 4-८
Ded, २-८, 3a, 4b

Correct Answer: Option-D

‘Question53:-Among the following, find out the forms of historiography exis.... See more

படட பப
QuestionS6:-The cost of process loss is absorbed in the cost of production of good units.
Ac Normal
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
QuestionS7:-Contribution is the difference between
‘AcSales and total cost
B:-Sales and variable cost
CeSales and fixed cost
D:-Variable cost and depreciation
Correct Answer: Option ®
00500758: 70/5125 budget is mainly dependent on
‘Ac Material budge.... See more








The firing order of a 6 cylinder diesel engine is
i. 1 -5-3-6-2-4

ர்‌. 1-4-2-6-3-5
iii, 1-6-5-3-2-4
iv. 1-3-4-2-6-5
A) ionly B) both ii and iii
C) both ii and iv D) both i and ii

The qualities of a bearings are
i. Fatigue strength
ii. Embedability
iii. Conformability
iv. Thermal conductivity
A) both ii and iii B) both i and iv
C) all of.... See more

Question60::Which of the following is not an item under section 2 (22) of the customs Act?
‘AcNessels, aircrafts and vehicles
B:-Stores and Baggage
೬ and negotiable instruments
D-Immovable properties such as land and building
Correct Answer:- Option-D

‘Question61::What is the purpose of a multiple regression?
கோர predict scores on an independent variable from scores on multiple dependent variables
B:-To predict scores on a dependent variable from .... See more

C=Both deduction from sales and addition to closing stock
D-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question69:-One of the advantage of accounting is
AcAssists in management
B:-Record of cost
೦-800 Land 2
D-None of these
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question70:-Amount received out of joint lfe policy on the death of @ partner is
‘Ac Debited to profit and loss account
B:-Credited to profit and loss account
C:Debited to joint life policy account
See more

D:-Statement | and Ill
Correct Answer: Option:

Question52:-Match Column A with B
A 8
1. छा Khaldun a. Tadhkirat al-huffaz
2. Al Maqrizib. Al Tarikh al-bahir
3.Al Dhahabi _c. Kitab al Suluk
4. Ibn ab-Athir d. Shifa al sai ltahdhib

Bole, 2a, 3b, ad
Belb,2¢, 34,42
Cola, 2-4, 3b, 4c
Ded, 2-¢, 3a, 4b

Correct Answer: Option-D

Question53:-Among the following, find out the forms of historiography existed during the Sultanate P.... See more

‘Question86:,You are tasked with cloning of a plant gene in bacterial systems and later its expression in cultured cells. Which type of vector you should select for easy cloning and
expression 7

‘AcPhage Vector

B:-Cosmid Vector

೦-500 Vector


Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question87:-The 70S ribosomes that can be seen in Chloroplast and Mitochondria is
IL An evidence for Endosymbiont Hypothesis on origin of Eukaryotes

Il. Prokar.... See more





. Consider the following statements :

1. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 replaces the Persons with Disabilities
(Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.

2. The Act increased the reservation for people with benchmark disabilities from 3% to 5% in
government jobs and from 3% to 4% in higher education institutes.

3. The Act provides for five per cent reser.... See more


Question Paper 6०८९; 18/2022/0L

Category Code: 344/2021

Exam: Assistant Professor in Rasasasthra and Bhaishajyakalpana
Date of Test 32-03-2022

Department ‘Ayurveda Medical Education

Alphacode A

Question1:-The inflammatory response of corticosteroids are better explained by their binding to nuclear transcription factors in the cell cytosol, which further translocate into the
nucleus and subsequently inhib.... See more

D:-Both 7۷
Correct Answer: Option-C

‘Question70::Which of the following states do not come under the Special Category States as per CGST (Amendment) Act, 2018 7
1. Manipur and Mizoram

1. Nagaland and Tripura

11. Assam and Himachal Pradesh

‘Ac Only ‏لا‎
‎B:-Both land I

Dell 6, Hand tt)

Correct Answer: Option:

Question71:-P, 0 and R are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 4:

‎.... See more








Differentiate between a true seed and a horticultural seed, Enumerate the advantages and
disadvantages of seed propagation. (5 Marks)

Give the PoP of Pineapple cultivation in Kerala as recommended by KAU, mentioning
planting season, suitable varieties, preparation of land, selection and treatment of suckers,

planting, manuring and early induction of flowering. (7 Marks)
Giv.... See more

117/22 - ॥॥

6. The Directorate of Enforcement is empowered to

‎Which one of the following Sequencing is correct according to the layers of‏ ۔

‎. Aravally range is the oldest mountain range in India. Which one of the following

‎. Straits are thin water bodies that separate main land and connects two major ground

‎. Which condition (Temperature, Rainfall and Soil type) among the following is better

�.... See more

Home Page

Correct Answer:- Option-B

‘Question44:Which of the following is NOT an essential theme of ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn' ?

हि of art,death and life
D:-Permanence of art as opposed to transient life
Correct Answer:- Option-A
‘Question4 5:Which of the following is the prominent idea in the "Dover Beach" ?
CrLoss.... See more

62/2015 (Pages: 4)

Maximum : 100 marks

Time : 2 hours

Write an easay of not more than 350 words ता any ONE of the following: | (1: 15 = 15)
(४) The Role of Social Media in the Present-day World.
(b) Necessity of Sustainable Development.

(9 The Condition of Women in Contemporary Society.

Write ೩ Précis on the following passage reducing it to ONE-THIRD of its length: (15)

(First write down ‏عط‎ important ideas.... See more

Home Page

4 7

‎Correct Answer:- Option B‏
‎Questiond - Which of the following is NOT an essential theme of ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn' 2‏
‎B: Timelessness‏
‎பணக of art,death and life‏
‎D:-Permanence of art as opposed to transient life‏
‎Correct Answer:- Option-A‏
‎Questiond 5:-Which of the following is the prominent idea in the "Dover Beach" ?‏
‎മേ�.... See more