Related with 'SURVEY AND LAND RECORDS' | We found Total 20907 Question paper ..!

D:-Enguiry with management
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question88:-Audit documentation does not include
A:-Audit programme
B:-Issues Memoranda
C:-Engagement letter
D:-Letter of confirmation and representation
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question89:-The principle for verification of intangible assets are
A:-Existence, Ownership, Valuation, Intermal control
B:-Records and registers, Ownership, Valuation, Intemnal control
C:-Rights, Existence, Owners.... See more

Home Page http://localhost/psc/modules/marklist/answer_sheet/prin

Question85+Quick sort algorithm belongs to the design technique.
B:-Dynamic programming
D:-Divide and Conquer
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Questiong6-Among the following, which ane is NOT a regular expression?

Correct Answer:- Option B
Questions 7:Given a 4-input AND gate, how many inputs mus.... See more

D:-Enguiry with management
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question88:-Audit documentation does not include
A:-Audit programme
B:-Issues Memoranda
C:-Engagement letter
D:-Letter of confirmation and representation
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question89:-The principle for verification of intangible assets are
A:-Existence, Ownership, Valuation, Intermal control
B:-Records and registers, Ownership, Valuation, Intemnal control
C:-Rights, Existence, Owners.... See more

D:-Counter purchase
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question48:-What are the three basic theories of Intemational business?
A:-The theory of Comparative Advantage, The Imperfect Market Theory and Product Life Cycle Theory
B:-The Theory of Marginal Advantage, The Perfect Market Theory and Theory of Business Cycles
C:-The Theory of Competitive Advantage, The Compensation Theory and Brand Life Cycle Theory
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Qu.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question68:-As per SEBI guidelines, in a book building process the cap in the price band
A:-Should be at least 10% of the floor price
B:-Should not be more than 20% of the floor price
C:-No limits
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question69:-Co-operative banks have to prepare their balance sheet and profit and loss account in the form set out in the
Third Schedule to .
A:-Banking Regulation Act
B:-Reserve Ba.... See more


43. A business transaction is having nature.

A) Monitory B) Financial C) Economic D) All of these
44. Accounting gives the to record all transactions.

A) Classification B) Process C) Money D) Framework

45. Identify the accounting concept followed by a business which creates provisions for
certain types of contingencies that may happen in near future but does not anticipate
any future profit.

A) Money Measurement Concept B) Conservat.... See more

B:-Ministry of Culture
C-Department of Science and Technology
D-Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question81:-An open-ended list of terms that have been generated in collaboration by members of a community to index information object available on the Internet is called
C-Automatic Indexing
Correct Answer:- Option-D
‘Question82:-The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is developed .... See more

B:-Ministry of Culture
C-Department of Science and Technology
D-Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question81:-An open-ended list of terms that have been generated in collaboration by members of a community to index information object available on the Internet is called
C-Automatic Indexing
Correct Answer:- Option-D
‘Question82:-The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is developed .... See more

60. All are hormonal contraceptives except:


Oral contraceptive pills
Emergency contraceptive pills

Depot medroxy progesterone acetate

61. WHO definition of perinatal mortality rate in nations with less well — established vital
records is which of the following?





Late foetal deaths (28 weeks of gestation and more) plus early neonatal deaths
(fir.... See more






General statements/understandings that guide the managers’ thinking in making decisions
are known as :

(A) Policies (B) Strategies
(C) Procedures (D) Premises

What is the suggested nurse patient ratio in the wards and ICUs by the Indian Nursing

(A) 1:5 and 1: 2 respectively
(2) 1:10and 1:1 respectively
(C) 1:6and 1: 2 respectively
(D) 1:38 and 1: 1 respectively

.... See more

Question76:-A. Assertion - A blood stain on cloth collected at autopsy should be
dried in hot air oven before sending for analysis.
R. Reason - drying will cause disintegration of blood stains

A:-A is correct, R is incorrect
B:-Both (A) and (B)

C:-A is incorrect, R is correct
D:-Both A and R incorrect
Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question77:-The medical reports of medico legal importance should be preserved
for a period of

A:-03 years
.... See more

B:-Ministry of Culture
C:Department of Science and Technology
D-Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question81:-An open-ended list of terms that have been generated in collaboration by members of a community to index information object available on the Internet is called
C-Automatic Indexing
Correct Answer:- Option-D
‘Question82:-The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is developed .... See more

करना, सती, उन, वन
BeLii, Ziv, 3.4, 41
Dei 2, Sli, iv
Correct Answer:- Option ®
‘Question37::Which of the following is/are true about wolves in stock market?
i. Speculator who neither buy nor sell securities in the market, but still trade on them
ii, Powerful investorsitraders who use unethical means to make money from the share market
ili, A stock market speculators who buys a holding in a stock in the expectation that in the very sh.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question68:-As per SEBI guidelines, in a book building process the cap in the price band
A:-Should be at least 10% of the floor price
B:-Should not be more than 20% of the floor price
C:-No limits
Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question69:-Co-operative banks have to prepare their balance sheet and profit and loss account in the form set out in the
Third Schedule to

A:-Banking Regulation Act
B:-Re.... See more

D:-Counter purchase
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question48:-What are the three basic theories of International business?
A:-The theory of Comparative Advantage, The Imperfect Market Theory and Product Life Cycle Theory
B:-The Theory of Marginal Advantage, The Perfect Market Theory and Theory of Business Cycles
C:-The Theory of Competitive Advantage, The Compensation Theory and Brand Life Cycle Theory
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Q.... See more

D:-Enquiry with management
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question88:-Audit documentation does not include
A:-Audit programme
B:-Issues Memoranda
C:-Engagement letter
D:-Letter of confirmation and representation
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question89:-The principle for verification of intangible assets are
A:-Existence, Ownership, Valuation, Internal control
B:-Records and registers, Ownership, Valuation, Internal control
C:-Rights, Existence, Owners.... See more

Home Page http:/Aocalhost/psc/modules/marklist/answer_sheet/prin.

Question 5: Quick sort algorithm belongs to the design technique.
B:-Dynamic programming
D:-Divide and Conquer
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question 6Among the following, which one is NOT a regular expression?

Correct Answer:- Option -B
Question 7-Given a 4-input AND gate, how many i.... See more

105/2017 اا اناالا الام








In Windows, which of the following is suitable after installing new drivers ?
A} Shut Down 8) Restart

C) Sleep D) Hibemate

Which of the following is the extension of graphics files ?

A} .doc B) .mdb

C) .gif D) .tmp

Which of the following is a type of system software ?
A} Device driver

B) Word processo.... See more










The time required for fetching and exeeution of one simple machine instruction is :
(ಗಿ) Delay time (8) CPU Cycle
(0) Real time (D) Seek time

Types of validation testing is :
{A) Alpha and Beta Testing
() Both (A) and (B) (D) Recovery and integrated testing

(B) Top down and bottom up testing

Which of the following commands is used to d.... See more










Offshore derivative instruments which are issued by Flls to foreign investors are called :
(வ Global Depository Receipts (B) Participatory Notes
(C) Swaps (D) Derivative Certificates

In which analysis is Location Quotient used ?
(ക) Economic Analysis {ठ Industry Analysis
(C) Company Analysis (2) Technical Analysis

Which of the following is a .... See more

A:-Mutation theory
B:-Germplasm theory
C:-Use and disuse theory
D:-Modem synthetic theory
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question68:-What is the scientific name of Lion-tailed macaque 7
A:-Macaca radiata
B:-Trachypithecus johnii
C:-Semnopithecus entellus
D:-Macaca silenus
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question69:-Who invented the technique for sequencing DNA strands 7
A:-Craig Venter
B:-Alan Maxam
C:-Frederic Sanger
D:-Walter Gilbert
Correct.... See more

D:-Patient Arriving Communication System
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question49:-The medical records were the forms are amanged in sectionized manner is known चेऽ
A:-Integrated record
B:-Source oriented record
C:-Problem oriented record
D:-Chronological record
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question50:-Which of the following is a pair of administrative record?
A:-Nurses record and social service report
B:-Nurses record and ward hazard report
C:-Doctors .... See more

A:-Mutation theory
B:-Germplasm theory
C:-Use and disuse theory
D:-Modem synthetic theory
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question68:-What is the scientific name of Lion-tailed macaque 7
A:-Macaca radiata
B:-Trachypithecus johnii
C:-Semnopithecus entellus
D:-Macaca silenus
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question69:-Who invented the technique for sequencing DNA strands 7
A:-Craig Venter
B:-Alan Maxam
C:-Frederic Sanger
D:-Walter Gilbert
Correct.... See more

096/21 -ಓ














Indian Space Research Organization, formed in the year

A) 1962 B) 1960 C) 1969 D) 1966
World Water Day is on
A) March 24 B) August 8 C) June 7 D) March 22

Section 66 A of IT Act 2008 is related with
A) Sending offensive messages

B) Hacking Computer System
C) Failure .... See more

நடம்‌, 21४, 3.0, 41
೩೬೪ 21, 34, बनी
एन, रो, 341, iv
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question37::Which of the following is/are true about wolves in stock market?
1. Speculator who neither buy nor sell securities in the market, but still trade on them
ii, Powerful investors/traders who use unethical means to make money from the share market
11. A stock market speculators who buys a holding in a stock in the expectation that in .... See more

119/22 -T

28. Which of the following statements regarding Article 323 A is/are true ?







i. It deals with the Constitution of Administrative Tribunals.
ர்‌. The Article deals with formation of Administrative Tribunals in Union territories only.
iii. The Article was not discussed in Constituent Assembly of India.
A) Only ii B) All the above i, ii and iii
C) Only iand iii D) Only iii .... See more