Related with 'SURVEY AND LAND RECORDS' | We found Total 20907 Question paper ..!

Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question7::Which of the following can't be considered as a technique of evaluation in the classroom 7
‘AcSociometric techniques
B:-Action research
CeAnecdotal records
Correct Answer: Option ®
Questions:~This quality of a test item will be evident, if it is answered correctly by more high - achievers than low-achievers’. Find out the quality ofthe test item mentioned here.
D.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question7::Which of the following can't be considered as a technique of evaluation in the classroom 7
‘AcSociometric techniques
B:-Action research
CeAnecdotal records
Correct Answer: Option ®
Questions:~This quality of a test item will be evident, if it is answered correctly by more high - achievers than low-achievers’. Find out the quality ofthe test item mentioned here.
D.... See more

1107 of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B
‘Question63:-Money at call and short notice in Banking companies are included under the Schedule
i. Schedule 4
li. Schedule 5
li, Schedule 6
iv. Schedule 7
A:Only ii
B:-Only i
D:-Only iv
Correct Answer:- Option-D

‘Questioné4:-Liability for partly paid investments in Banking companies are included under the heading
iL Investments
ii, Other assets
ii, Contingent liabi.... See more

Correct Answer: Option-C
Question7::Which of the following can't be considered as a technique of evaluation in the classroom 7
‘AcSociometric techniques
B:-Action research
CeAnecdotal records
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Questions:~This quality of a test item will be evident, if itis answered correctly by more high - achievers than low-achievers’. Find out the quality of the test item mentioned here.
‘Ac Objectivity
Reliabilit.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question66:-The first United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was held in
B:-Rio De Generio
C:-New York
Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question67:-The investment in a foreign country where the investing party does not seek control over the investment is the
typical case of

A:-Foreign direct investment
B:-Foreign portfolio investment
:-Foreign tied fund
D:-Foreign untied fund
.... See more


Question Paper Code: 86/2016/0L

Category Code: 099/2015

Exam: HSST Computer Science SR For SC/ST
Medium of Question: English

Date of Test 29-12-2016

Alphacode A

Question1:-The buffer overflow attack is caused by
A:-Vulnerability in the design of a networking protocol
B:-Vulnerability in the implementation of a networking protocol
C:-Vulnerability in human behaviour
D:-Vulnerability in software
Correct .... See more


Question Paper Code: 86/2016/OL

Category Code: 099/2015

Exam: HSST Computer Science SR For SC/ST
Medium of Question: English

Date of Test 29-12-2016

Alphacode A

Question1:-The buffer overflow attack is caused by
A:-Vulnerability in the design of a networking protocol
B:-Vulnerability in the implementation of a networking protocol
C:-Vulnerability in human behaviour
D:-Vulnerability in software
Correct .... See more


Maximum : 100 marks 5
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

௩ Which of the following errors will be disclosed in the trial balance?
(A) Recording transactions in the wrong account
യു Duplication of a transaction in the accounting records
(©) Posting only the debit portion of a particular journal entry
(D) Recording the wrong amount for a transaction to both the account debited and the
account credited

2 Which of the following account usua.... See more

73. Hatchery operations does not include :
(^) Dubbing (2) Sexing
(C) Setting ) Brooding

74. Culling should be practiced in:
(^) Chicks and layers (B) Growers and breeders
(C) Both (A) and (B) ൯൩) None of these

75. How can you reduce the summer stress in a deep litter poultry house?
(6). 59789 cool and clean water in shed
Gi) Reduce thickness of built up lifter
(111) Give ascorbic acid supplement
(¢) Only 0) and (ii) (B) Only ©) and (iii)See more








For Quality assurance in Rh grouping we use :
(A) Monoclonal Anti D
(B) Polyclonal Anti D
(C) Blend of IgM + IgG monoclonal anti D
(D) Use of one IgM and one blend of IgM+ IgG

Acceptable titre as part of quality control for monoclonal Anti A and Anti B sera is:

(A) 1:32 (8) 1 : 128
(0 1 : 256 (D) 1:64

Inclusion of O cells and autocontrol is a must in reverse g.... See more










Which of the following is not a factor that affects the break-even point of a product
or service ?

A) Number of units sold B) Selling price per unit

C) Fixed costs D) Variable costs per unit

. If material cost variance is Rs. 5,000 favourable and material price variance is

Rs. 3,000 adverse, then material usage variance should be

.... See more

Question12:-Which of the following statement is/are incorrect about
Budgeting/Budgetary control

(i) Operating budgets are prepared before Financial budgets

(ii) Comparison between actual and budgeted costs is not possible in fixed budget
(111) Material budget is an example of Long term budget

(iv) Cost is classified according to variability in flexible budget

A:-(i) and (ii)

B:-(ii) only

C:-(iii) only

D:-(iii) and (iv)
See more

Question86:-In Photoshop the tool used to lighten and darken areas of an image
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question87:-In Photoshop if you have an image that is too large to fit on the available removable media, we use the option
A:-Merge channel
B:-Split channel
C:-Quick channel
D:-Remove channel
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question88:-In Photoshop the process of adding transition pixels along edges to soften the a.... See more

A:-The efficiency of Medical professionals
B:-The length of stay
C:-The quality of care provided in an institution
D:-Utilisation of resources
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question49:-Policies help in
A:-Making decisions
B:-Writing goals
C:-Determining goals or objectives
D:-Providing feed back
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question50:-A 15 8 plan in numerical terms
A-Vital statistics
B:-Length of stay
C:-Bed occupancy rate
Corre.... See more

Question72:-Common Communication Format (CCF) was designed and published in 1984 by
‎Correct ‏ب مومه‎ Option-C
Question73::Which of the following elements are specified by 150-2709 for the general structure of bibliographic records?
‘AcLeader, Directory, Control Fields, Variable Fields
B:-Label, Directory, Data Fields, Record Structure
C-Document Representation, Document Access, File Structure
D-Recor.... See more

Question72:-Common Communication Format (CCF) was designed and published in 1984 by
‎Correct ‏ب مومه‎ Option-C
Question73::Which of the following elements are specified by 150-2709 for the general structure of bibliographic records?
‘AcLeader, Directory, Control Fields, Variable Fields
B:-Label, Directory, Data Fields, Record Structure
C-Document Representation, Document Access, File Structure
D-Recor.... See more





In India the dimensions of civilization are tribal, rural and urban. Anthropologist
Robert Redfield is of the opinion that both folk and urban civilizations are not in
isolation, rather they are interdependent and interactive. It is on this idea that he

developed the concept of
i) Culture and Personality
ii) Structure and Functionality

iii) Folk Urban Continuum

iv) Urban Continuity

Choose t.... See more








Statement | : An officer or employee is disqualified being an auditor of a company.

Statement Il : A person whose relative is a director in the company is disqualified
being an auditor of a company.

Which of the statements is/are correct ?

A) Statement | B) Statement II

C) Statement | and II D) None of these

An auditor can be removed from his office befor.... See more

B:-(ii) and (iii) only

C:-(i) and (iii) only

D:-(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question21:-In an inverted U tube manometer, the density of the manometric fluid
in comparison with the density of fluid whose pressure difference is to be found out

A:-is lighter

B:-is denser

C:-has same density

D:-doesn't depend on the density
Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question22:-In a hydraulic jack the pistons .... See more

A:-The shortest time when the cell button is easily suspended and the
supernatant is clear

B:-The shortest time when the cell button is not easily suspended and
supernatant is fizzy

C:-The longest time when the cell button is easily suspended and supernatant
is clear

D:-The longest time when the cell button is not easily suspended and the
supernatant is fizzy

Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question77:-Which of the following biological safet.... See more

Question5:-The principles of case recording in group work consists of the following

A:-Principle of flexibility
B:-Principle of selection
C:-Principle of readability
D:-Principle of evaluation
Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question6:-Match the following
(i) Education and Training (a) Ethical responsibilities to the social work

(ii) Conflicts of Interest (b) Ethical responsibilities to Colleagues
(iii) Referral for Services .... See more

Question72:-Common Communication Format (CCF) was designed and published in 1984 by

Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question73::Which of the following elements are specified by 150-2709 for the general structure of bibliographic records?
‘AcLeader, Directory, Control Fields, Variable Fields
B:-Label, Directory, Data Fields, Record Structure
C-Document Representation, Document Access, File Structure
D-Record Description, Record Organiza.... See more

A:-The efficiency of Medical professionals
B:-The length of stay
C:-The quality of care provided in an institution
D:-Utilisation of resources
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question49:-Policies help in
A:-Making decisions
-Writing goals
C:-Determining goals or objectives
D:-Providing feed back
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question50:-A ............. is a plan in numerical terms
A:-Vital statistics
B:-Length of stay
C:-Bed occupancy rate
D:-Bud.... See more

Question86:-In Photoshop the tool used to lighten and darken areas of an image
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question87:-In Photoshop if you have an image that is too large to fit on the available removable media, we use the option
A:-Merge channel
B:-Split channel
C:-Quick channel
D:-Remove channel
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question88:-In Photoshop the process of adding transition pixels along edges to soften the a.... See more

85. Which of the following statement is/are correct about the methods of solving the three points
problem in plane table survey?

(0) एर mechanical method

(1) By Bessel’s method.

(111) By direct observation method

(¢) Only 0) and (ii) (B) Only ©) and (iii)
)© All of these above (i), (ii) and (iii) (D) Only (1) and (iii)

86. Which of the following statement is/are correct about the Road way width as per
recommendations of I.R.C.?See more

D:-Enguiry with management
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question88:-Audit documentation does not include
A:-Audit programme
B:-Issues Memoranda
C:-Engagement letter
D:-Letter of confirmation and representation
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question89:-The principle for verification of intangible assets are
A:-Existence, Ownership, Valuation, Intermal control
B:-Records and registers, Ownership, Valuation, Intemnal control
C:-Rights, Existence, Owners.... See more