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D=Coppery red
Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question16:-According to Acharya Susruta, which is the best time for administering medicines in old age people 7
‘A-On empty stomach before taking any food
B:-Just before meals
Con the middle of the meal
D-Between two meals
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question 7::Which of the following is included in concurrent lst 2
‘Ac Medical emergencies
B:-Landmine injuries
C-Road traffic accidents
D:-Prevention of fo.... See more

Ac Prakriti
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question91::Which of the following is the gold standard method to be offered to all women for emergency contraception ?
‘Ac Morning pill
B:-Levonorgesterol 0.75 mg
C-Combined 0.25 mg Levonorgesteral and 50 micro gm ethinyl estradiol
Copper IUD
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question92:-According to vagbhata, Ajeema along with vataprakopa is known as
‏معز ميم‎See more

8:16 years
Ce12 years
D-All of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question 7:~"Mudga’ is the female as per Haritha பப்ப
‘Ac Upto 17 years
B:-Upto 18 years
C-Upto 19 years
D-Upto 20 years
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question18:-According to Acharya Kashyapa, garbha becomes ‘sthira’ by
B:-4 months
C5 months
D6 months
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question19:~Garbhopakramam’ is included under the definition of Kaumarab.... See more

Question4:-The expected weight of fetus at 28 weeks of gestation
۸--800 ‏دو‎
‎B:-1000 gm
1200 gm

Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled

(Question42:~'Budhimedhaasmrutikaram baalaanaam cha anga vardhanam' which formulation is mentioned

‘AcBrahmi ghritam
B:-Kalyanaka ghritam
C-Mahapaisaachika ghritam
D-Rejanyaadi choomam
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question43:-Which is not an indication of panchagavya ghvitam ?<.... See more


Question Paper Code: 16/2022/0L
Category Code: 221/2023

Exam: Assistant professor in Kriya Sharir
Date of Test 27-03-2022

Department ‘Ayurveda Medical Education
Alphacode A

Question1::Which statements about positive feedback control and negative feedback control is true ?

A:-Positive feedback-initial stimulus produces the responses that depresses the stimuli
Negative feedback-Initial stimulus produces the response th.... See more

D-Neuromuscular sign
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question32:-Clinical condition of S-T segment elevation is seen in
‘AcNentric lar enlargement
೦-೫೫: bundle branch block
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
‘Question33:-Rasa which are responsible for the Soshana of Meda are
‘AcLavana and katu
സിയ and katu
C:Katu and lavana
പശ and amla
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question34:-The most appropriate.... See more

‘A-Dream where one gets white flowers and white dress
B:-Dream where one gets iron
C-Dream where one gets raw meat and raw fish
D:-Dream where one gets Mangoes
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question 7:-Prognathism, prominent jaw due to sinus enlargement, kyphosis, thickening skin due to proliferation of connective tissue, hepatomegaly, cardiomegaly is seen in
Correct Answer: Option ®
‘QuestionS8:.... See more

D-Loss of memory
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
Question98:-Incorrect statement regarding secretin is
‘AcIncreases bicarbonate rich pancreatic secretion
Bs-nhibit gastric acid secretion
டட gastric acid secretion
D:-Pyloric sphincter contraction
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question99:-Special submucosal glands which resemble gastric pyloric gland in duodenum are
‘Ac Crypts of Lieberkuhn
B:Vill glands
CeBrunners gland
D-Paneth cells
Cor.... See more


Question Paper 0०९; 54202200
Category Code: 09772019

Exam: Welfare Organiser
Date of Test 25-03-2022
Department Sainik Welfare
Alphacode A

Questionl:-Consider the three statements
i. 0is an even number.
ii. Lis @ prime number
ili, 2 is @ rational number.
Which one of the following is true ?
‘Ac Only iis true
Bei and iiare true
oi and ii are true
D-All the above i, il and ii are true
Correct Answ.... See more

Question21:-The lyrics of that song might the listeners to another world
Accamy off
Bs-carry on
Decamry anay
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question22:-He was much appreciated for his madesty.Choose an antonym for the underlined word from the options given below.
Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled
‘Question23:-Choose the correct sentence.
‘A-One of the lab equipments they bought was damage.... See more

2. Neeraj Chopra
3. Bajrang Punia
Cz-None of the above
D-All of the above
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question74:-Out of the following, name the football player, who never won FIFA world player of the year ?
1. Fabio Cannavaro
2. Luis Figo
3. George Weah
4, Macro van Basten
‘Acland 4 only
B:-4 only
2 only
D-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question75:-Among the following, which is not the lite.... See more


Question Paper Code: 17/2022/0L
Category Code: 242/2021

Exam: Assistant Professor in Panchakarma (NCA- SC)
Date of Test 30-03-2022

Department ‘Ayurveda Medical Education

Alphacode A

Question1:~Siramukhai romakoopal dhamanibhischa tarpayeth’. Mentioned in the context of which kriyakrama ?
‘Ac Kayasekam with snehadravya
CAvagaha with snehadravya
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Ques.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question16:-According to Susruthacharya, which of the following sweda having Sleshmaghna property ?
‘AcUshma sweda
D-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question 7:-Sleshma prasekam is a vamana vyapat, corresponding virechana vyapat is
‘Ac Pravahika
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question18:-Nasya with swarasa of lasuna, palandu or grinjanaka is .... See more

D-Naphthol solution
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Questions:-Micro-chemical test used to detect mucilage in fruit is
‘Ac Ruthenium red
C-Ammonium sulphate
Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question9::Which of the following statements is/are regarding determination of Foreign matter in vegetable drugs ?
i. Plant material should be free from visible signs of contamination.
ii, Chromatography technique must be used
ili Signs of deteriorati.... See more

Deis till and iv are true
Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question15::Which of the following is not a source plant for “Parpata” as per Bapalal Vaidya ?
‘Ac Fumatia parviflora Lam
B:-Adiantum caudatum Linn
C-Oldenlantia corymbosa Linn
D-Rungia repens
Correct Answer:- Option ®

Question16:-The ministry of environment and forests has, notified 29 species which are banned for export and the list contains some popularly used drugs in Ayurvedic formulationsSee more

‘Aciand iv are true
Bei and iii are true
Cis ti and fi are true
Dis till and iv are true
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question23::Which of the following statements is/are true regarding Vipaka concept in Ayurveda ?
i, Katu-rasa turns to Katu-vipaka,
i, Katu-rasa, Tiktha-rasa and Kashaya-rasa tums to katu vipaka.
ili, Two types of vipaka accepted by Susrutha are Guru vipaka and Laghu vipaka.
iv. Two types of vipaka also accepted by Susrutha are Madhura vipaka an.... See more

Question91::Which of the following is an example of PRAMADHI DRAVYA as per Sarangdhara ?
‘Ac Devadali
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question92:-What is the dose of the plant drug KALAMEGHA (Dried aerial parts) as per Ayurveda Pharmacopeia of India ?
Aol-3 g of the drug
8:2-4 0 of the drug
6.1.49 ०५००१५५
०-2-69 ०१५००५५
Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question93:-The Office of the Control.... See more


Question Paper Code: 21/2022/0L
Category Code: 526/2019

Exam: Music Teacher (High School)
Date of Test 12-04-2022

Department Education

Alphacode A

Question2:-Find out from the following, the place where Ayyankali started a school for the depressed classes in 1904.
‘As Kazhakkoottam
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question2:-"Whatever may be the religion of a man, it.... See more

D:-Javali,Tillana, Prabandham
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question 74: is also known as Adiprasa.
‘Ac Dviteeyakshara Prasa
Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question75::Which one is the Ubhaya Vakra raga ?
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question76:-Foreign note in the raga, Anandabhairavi
‘A-Antara Gandhara, Chatusruti Dhaivata and Kakali Nishada
B:-Sudha Madhyama.... See more


Question Paper വാട: 3/2022/0L
Category Code: 299/2020

Exam: ICDS Supervisor (SR from ST Women candidates only)
Date of Test 05-03-2022

Department ‘Women and Child Development

Alphacode A

Questionl:-Pancreatic juice is stimulated by the release of
‘Ac Enterokinase
DsBoth 2 and 3
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question2:-Characteristic thick, grey membrane covering throa.... See more

Questions:-In how many years is the official's enumeration of population carried out for census ?
B:-5 years
C22 years
D-10 years
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question®:-In which parenting style children are more likely to be socially competent, responsible and autonomous ?
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question10:-The schoo! immunization schedule include JE vaccine to be given in the.... See more

वि one of the following options explains the major reasons for piped egg condition in poultry 7
i) Low moisture in incubator

ii) Poor ventilation during incubation

ili) Underdeveloped egg tooth

iv) High humidity in incubator

AvAll of these
B:Only i, i)

coOnly (1. (0 876 i
D:-Only (i) i) and tiv)

Correct Answer: Option-D

Question16:-According to BIS standards for housing of cattle which one of the following options ind.... See more

கரவ 10 kg, milk 290 kg
BeCream 7.5 kg, milk 292.5 kg
C-Cream 12.5 kg, milk 287.5 kg
D:-Cream 15 kg, milk 285 kg
Correct Answer: Option:
‘Question23::Which one of the following options is correct with respect to the advantages of CIP system over manual cleaning and sanitization of dairy equipments ?
i) All equipments receive uniform treatment day after day
ii) Less damage to equipments
ii) Reduces possibility of contamination through human error

iv.... See more

‘AcLocal leaders assist in spread of new ideas and practices by demonstrating them in their own fields
B:-Local leaders serve as a point of contact between extension agent and livestock farmers
Local leaders help in generating funds through local political and religious leadersiNGO's etc. for undertaking extension programmes
D:-Local leaders helps in building closer ties with local farmers
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question30::Which one of the following is the correct seque.... See more

CeArgus Spp
D-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question46:-The nodular lesions of Lumpy skin disease may be seen in
D-All of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question47:-Histopathologic evidence of rabies encephalomyelits in brain tissue and meninges includes the following
‘AcBabes nodules and Negri bodies
B:-Vascular infiltration
ഭി degeneration
D-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Op.... See more

Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question85:-The document that compels attendance of a witness in the court of law under penalty is called as
Correct Answer:- Option-é
Question86:-The source of drugs which contain active nitrogenous principles readily soluble in alcohol, bitter to taste and sparingly soluble in water is
‘AcNolatile oils
Correct Answer:- Option ®
Question87:-A.... See more