Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'RADIOGRAPHER GR.II HEALTH SERVICES QUESTION PAPER' And exam conducted in the year 2017. And Question paper code was '072/2017'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
In fluorescence, there is :
(5) Increase in wavelength of emitted radiation
(8) Decrease in wavelength of emitted radiation
(9) No change in wavelength of emitted radiation
(D) Both increase and decrease in wavelength of emitted radiation
What is the treatment of choice for stage Il Ca Cervix ?
(ಹ) Chemotherapy (8) Radiotherapy
(ಲ) Chemoradiotherapy (D) Surgery
What is the surgery of choice for a patient with Ca Breast T2 N0 M0 ?
(ಹ) Modified Radical Mastectomy (8) MRM+ Axillary dissection
(ಲ) Wide local excision (D) WLE +Axillary dissection
Which of the following cannot be emitted by radioactive substances during their decay ?
(ಹ) Electron (இ Helium nucleus
(ಲ) Proton (D) Neutrino
The functional unit of a gene which specifies synthesis of one polypeptide is a :
(A) Recon (8) Codon (~) Cloe (D) Cistron
Only maternal immunoglobulin normally transported through placenta is :
ക (® ഈ © 17 D) 6
What is the screening method for medullary carcinoma of thyroid ?
(ಹ) Serum calcitonin (8) Serum calcium
(ಲ) Serum ALP (D) Serum acid phosphatase
Stability of the ankle joints is maintained by all except :
(ಹ) Collateral ligaments (8) Cruciate ligaments
(ಲ) Tendons of muscles attached (D) Close apposition of articular surfaces of bones
Process of heat transfer that involves continual emission of infrared waves from surface of
bodies and transmission of these waves without aid of medium is known as :
(ಹ) Conduction (B) Convection (ಲ) Radiation (D) None of above
13 072/2017