Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'STENOGRAPHER SR FOR SC/ST KERALA ELECTRICAL AND ALLIED ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '051/2016/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
A:-Rajendra Prasad
B:-Mahatma Gandhi
C:-Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
D:-C. Rajagopalachar
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question20:-TRYSEM deals with
A:-Rural Youth Employ
B:-Development of Women and children
C:-Integrated Rural Development
D:-Development of Rural Artisans
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question21:-Who is the Chaiman of Human Right Commission of India?
2:16. Balakrishnan
B:-Jagadeesh Saran Varma
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question22:-Human Right Commission Act came into existence in
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question23:-Iron Shanu Shamila is deals with
A:-Sardar Sarovar Project
B:-Women's rights
C:-Children's right
D:-Armed Force Special Powers Act
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question24:-Universal Human Rights day is
A:-December 10
B:-December 20
C:-October 24
D:-January 10
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question25:-When the protection of women from Domestic Violence Act came into force?
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question26:-Criminal Law {Amendment} Act 2013 deals with
A:-Military force
B:-Age old people security
C:-Women security
D:-Scheduled caste
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question27:-Mangalyan (MOM) Satellite launched
A:-2012 November 5
B:-2014 November 5
C:-2013 November 5
D:-2010 November 5
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question28:-Who introduced Union Budget of 2013-147
A:-Arun Jettly
B:-Man Mohan Singh
C:-Narendra Modi
D:-P. Chittambaram
Correct Answer:- Option-D