Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ENGINEERING APTITUDE TEST' And exam conducted in the year 2019. And Question paper code was '009/03/2019'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
ധേ. ളമ
Quostion32:4Which typo of turbine i commonly used in tidal energy?
AcFrancis turbine
B Kaplan turbin
ല്ല സം
ഇഷ ഇ ബബ
ಲ ಖಳ ളമ.
08500833/-71/ 88 ೫/01 1ರ power plant in India was sat up in 1897 at
B.Dehra Daon,
B Radiomster
C-Gardon quage
DAl the abave
ജബ്യ ളമ.
‘Quostion35:What doos OTEC stand for?
‘AcOcean Thermal Enargy Cultivation
മഹം Thermal Enargy Canversion
மடை Techno Energy Consarvatian
D-Ocean Thermal Energy Consumption
മേയും. ളമ.
Quastion36:Which of the following is a disadvantaga of most of the ranawabls snergy sources?
‘AcHighly polluting
BeHigh wasta disposal cost
CrUnrealiable supply
D High running cost
موہ لفقم اعون
Quastion37.-Photavaltsic energy is the conversion of sunlight into
AcChemical energy
D-Geothermal enargy
ജബ്യ நெ
Quastion38:What is meaning ofa Carban Positive Araa?
‘AcAreawith carban smissions mare than carbon saquestration
B Area with carban amission balanced vith carban sequestration
ممصا त emission are zaro
D-Area with mors renewablo anergy genaration than needed to sustain th ೩೯೮೩
‘Quostion3-For the first time, solar pancls have boon installed on which Indian warship?
ACINS Viraat
BLINS Kaveri
एष नः
DLINS Sarvekshak
கொல்பவன் நெ
വടം മേ நாவப் ராண non odibl வ saeds such as karanja, rubbor soad, castor?
ജബ ളോ
व and 10 girls studying in a music school. A survey was conductad among those 20 children. Each of tho 10 boys was asked how many girls i the school has the sharod staga with
‘Tha avarage of the 10 answars tumed ಲ ಗ ಜಟ how many bays in the school she sharad stage with. The average of the 10 answars tumed aut to ba 4.1 What can you infer
from this survey?.
AcBays of this school, on an average, do more staga shows the girls thera
دبع داع يه mora reluctant to share stage with boys
व to the sam singing partnar, whila boys lie to switch
நட வரவை should not be trusted
கொலைப் நேம்
ಟಟ bought a pen from Babu for sevon rupoas मा ते thon sold it to Chandsan for 8 rupeos. Ajayan bought back the same pen from Chandran by paying 9 rupees and sald i to David for 10 rupees.
What is tha total proft that Ajayan mada?
க வழை
ए സുമേ
-2 rupees
ಬ: 00005
മണയ ളമ
೧0500043: வணி pansls nstallod at an angle (rather than lat)?
‘AcTo maximise the totsl solar anargy collactad aver an year
B To maximise the total slar energy callected aver s day
(C-To Incraase the number of pansls you can install on the samo area
DFor battar aesthatics.
യ ളേ.
‘Quostiont1:You aro in a dark room near a pile with 2 whita socks, 4 blue socks, 6 red socks, and 9 black socks. What is the minimum number of socks that you should take from the pile and bring aut o the
മഞ if you want to ensura that thera are at last two sacks of the same colour
QuastiondS-A notica baard in frant of offce a famaus logician has the follawing two sentences written ane par line
‘Tha nast sentanca s falsa
Th provious sentence s false
What can you concluda?
AcBoth tha sentances ara ബു
B Both the sentences ara false
C-Exactly ona of the sentances is ൦
Dittisa paradox
5-یس دس
ദും the sum of two aigenvalues and trace of a 3 x 3 matrix A e aqual, then the valua of كذ اهز