Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'NAVAL ARCHITECT PORT' And exam conducted in the year 2018. And Question paper code was '050/2018/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 8 out of 13
Excerpt of Question Code: 050/2018/OL

Question62:-As per MARPOL, for bottom damage, independent calculations for mean outflow shall be done for 0 m and -2.5
m tide conditions. They are combined as follows: *"0_{MB} = 0.7 O_{MB(0}} + 0.3 O_{MB(2.5}}". Where: 0 (80
= mean outflow for 0 m tide col n; and *"O_{MB(2.5}}"" = mean outflow for -2.5 m tide condition, in *"m
outflow will be more for "0 m" or 5 m" condition?

8:--2.5 गी

C:-(1) and (2}

D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question63:-A double hull bulk carrier has 7 cargo holds. The vessel's beam 5 42.0 m. The width of each side wing tank is
2.5 m. There is no centerline bulkhead in the cargo hold. The probability of side damage occuming between the transverse
bulkheads bounding no. 2 space is 0.1266. The following will hold true:

A:-Insufficient information

B:-Damage probability {(cargo hold) > 0.1266
Damage probability {cargo hold} = Damage probability (wing tank}

C:-(2) and (4)

D:-Damage probability (cargo hold) < 0.1266
Damage probability {cargo hold) > Damage probability (wing tank}

Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question64:-The steering gear can tum a rudder from -35° to +30° in 28 seconds. During Zigzag test (20°/20°) the time
taken for moving rudder from -20° to +20° will be 5605.




D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question65:-During 8 20/20“ Zigzag test, the ship's initial heading angle was 150°. The first -20° rudder angle command
would be executed when the ship's heading angle was




D:-None of the above

Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question66:-During a -10° / -10° 219289 test, the ship's initial heading angle was 135°. The first +10° rudder angle
command would have been given when the ship's heading angle was





Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question67:-For Q. 47 & 48. A ship's *"L_{bp}"*
diameter * **5.0 *L_{bp}"" and advance "<

350.0 m. As per IMO regulations, during a tumning circle test, the tactical
* "4.5 * ‏'"(م0)_‎ .

Q.47 : During a port tuming circle test, the ship's initial heading angle was 180°. The maximum pemissible transverse
displacement of the ship (അ its initial position) when its heading angle first becomes {degrees) will be

ക:-05, 1750

8:-325, 700

C:-156°, 1050

D:-180°, 1575

Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question68:-During a starboard tuming circle test, the ship's initial heading angle was 90°. The maximum permissible
longitudinal displacement of the ship (from its initial position) when its heading angle first becomes (५641685)
will be {meters).

A:-270°, 1750

B:-135°, 350

C:-90°, 1575

D:-180°, 1575

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question69:-During a starboard tuming circle test, the ship's initial heading angle was 270°. The transverse displacement of
the ship (from its initial position) when its heading angle first becomes (4601885) 15 called

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